Efficiency and Standards of Abuser Programmes in the UK : Women’s Aid Perspective Deborah McIlveen Policy & Services Manager Women’s Aid England
Aims: Quality frameworks for domestic violence/violence against women in England Women’s Aid experience of work with perpetrators Way forward
Women’s Aid Membership organisation – national network of 500+ local domestic violence services across England Services – national helpline, UK Gold Book, training, research, publicity and guidance, UK Refuges on- line, on-line Survivor Handbook, Expect Respect On- line Toolkit, Power to Change, Domestic Violence for Business Partnerships – work with government, justice system, health, voluntary sector for a co-ordinated approach to end domestic violence Work is based on over 30 years of campaigning research and advocacy to improve responses and to prevent domestic violence
Provision of specialist services National framework Quality framework Influencing the local agenda
Framework for service provision National Indicators Equalities Duties National VAWG Strategy Office of the Third Sector Compact Development of National Quality Framework for Domestic and Sexual Violence
National Quality Framework National Service Standards National Occupational Standards Accredited Training
Why have NSSDSV? Existing quality frameworks limited Safe high quality service delivery Benchmark for commissioning and contract monitoring
Quality Frameworks National Service Standards for Domestic and Sexual Violence – core Respect and CAADA ( Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse) Other national frameworks and standards
Influencing the local agenda Local Strategic Partnership ( LSP) Local Government, Health and Police Community Plan Other local plans and strategies: Community Safety Strategy, Homelessness Strategy, Children’s Plan, Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, Substance Misuse, Mental Health, Anti-Social Behaviour, Guns, Gangs and Knives etc Equalities Schemes
Identify local need: who are the victims? All relationships - heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Majority - women Across age, class, economic status, disability, gender, immigration status, marital status, race, religion or belief, sexuality Significant minority of men Children and young people Teenage relationships
How does your LSP identify need? How does it consult? Having consulted how does address identified need? How does it allocate resources? Intelligent commissioning – non- competitive procurement process Who does it consult?
WA experiences: work with men 10% work with male perpetrators None accredited by Respect 21% work with male victims
Increasing safety for victims of violence against women: Challenges and opportunities Women and men or no service? Either victims or perpetrators? Competitive tendering Economic and political context – national and local
Women’s Aid resources: thehideout.org.uk Commissioning Domestic Violence Services: A Quick Guide National Service Standards for Domestic and Sexual Violence