Welcome to Photography 2 Ms. Griffin
The Basics Ms. Griffin Period 2 & 6– Room 5 (Photography 2) Period 1, 5 & 7 – Room 110 (Fine Art 1 & Fine Art 3)
Class Description: Digital Photography 2 is a semester long, 2.5 credit Fine Art course that asks students to build on the basic knowledge of what they learned in Digital Photography 1 to push themselves to create more complex, conceptual works of art.
Photo 1 vs. Photo 2 Photography 1 O Basic camera functions O Simple photography concepts O Simple subject matter O Little self expression Photography 2 O Advanced camera functions O Focus on artistic decision making O More complex subject matter O More self expression O Higher expectations O Requires more time outside of class
Four Types of Assessment in Photography 2: O Homework O Projects O Class Participation O Quizzes
Grading Policy: Homework O Homework is 10% of your overall grade. O You get one homework assignment per week usually assigned mid week: Tuesday/Wednesday. O Homework is graded on our first meeting of the following week: Monday/Tuesday. O Homework is graded out of 20 points. O Each day Homework is late, you will lose 5 of those 2o points. O Homework cannot be made up after the week it is assigned. O If you come to class unprepared to work, you will have to complete a written assignment in order to be able to hand in homework later in the week for a grade. O All homework photographs are to be taken off of school property and by you. Photographs can not be “shared.”
Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. Show HW for Project 1. Work on Project 1 in class. Receive Project 2, HW photos due Monday. Work on Project 1 in class. Plan/Shoot Project 2. Finish and hand in Project 1. Plan/ Shoot Project 2. Show HW for Project 2. Work on Project 2 in class. Receive Project 3, HW photos due Monday. Work on Project 2 in class Work on Project 2 in class. Plan/Shoot Project 3. Finish and hand in Project 2. Plan/Shoot Project 3. Shoot Project 3. Weekly Class, Homework & Shooting Schedule
Grading Policy: Projects O Projects are 60% of your overall grade. O You get one project per week. O Projects are assigned mid week: Tuesday/Wednesday. O Projects are due and collected at the end of the following week: Thursday/Friday. O Projects can be re-shot and made up at any time in the semester. O Images from Instagram, edited on your phone, or in any shape other than an 8x10 rectangle will not be accepted. O Handing in photographs that are not taken by you, or are not from this semester is considered plagiarism. If it is discovered that this is the case, you will be written up under the integrity policy and will also receive a zero for that project, which can not be made up.
Criteria:Excellent Value: 4 Very Good Value: 3 Good Value 2: Poor Value: 1 Technique/ Concept Student work exhibits an excellent understanding of the concept/technique for this assignment. Student work exhibits a very clear understanding of the concept/technique for this assignment. Student work exhibits some understanding of the concept/technique for this assignment. Student work exhibits little understanding of the concept/technique for this assignment. Technical Skills & Decision Making Student work shows an outstanding understanding of their tools and equipment, and their work shows much consideration 0f the elements of art, principles of design and technical skill. Student work shows a high understanding of their tools and equipment, and their work shows some consideration 0f the elements of art, principles of design and technical skill. Student work shows a basic understanding of their tools and equipment, and their work shows some consideration 0f the elements of art, principles of design and technical skill. Student work shows little understanding of their tools and equipment, and their work shows little consideration 0f the elements of art, principles of design and technical skill. Effort and Time Management Student work exhibits an outstanding level of effort and time management. The student worked diligently each and every period, going above and beyond the requirements. Student work exhibits a high level of effort and time management. The student worked diligently each and every period. Student work exhibits an average level of effort and time management. The student worked diligently most days and fulfilled the basic requirements Student work exhibits a low level of effort and time management. The student did not work diligently each period and the work does not meet all requirements Artistic Choices Student work shows an outstanding level of experimentation and self- expression with very high levels of attention to detail, subject matter, and story telling. Student work shows a high level of experimentation and self- expression with much attention to detail, subject matter, and story telling. Student work shows a basic level of experimentation and self- expression with some attention to detail, subject matter, and story telling. Student work shows a low level of experimentation and self-expression with little attention to detail, subject matter, and story telling. Project Rubric
Grading Policy: Class Participation O Class Participation is 10% of your grade. O You will receive a class participation grade at the end of every week. O Class participation is based on your use of time in class, your participation in class discussion and critiques, and how often you are distracted by your phone/computer.
Criteria:Excellent Value: 4 Good Value: 3 Needs Improvement Value 2: Problem Value: 1 Classroom Rules Student is never reminded to put away food, sign out to use the bathroom, put away their cell phone, or stay seated for the bell. Student has been reminded once to put away food, sign out to use the bathroom, put away their cell phone, or stay seated for the bell. Student has been reminded more than more than once to put away food, sign out to use the bathroom, put away their cell phone, or stay seated for the bell. Student is reminded daily to put away food, sign out to use the bathroom, put away their cell phone, or stay seated for the bell. Class Prepared- ness Student always arrives to class on time, begins working without any prompting, and/or remains on task for the entire period. Student has been reminded once to arrive to class on time, begin working without any prompting, and/or remain on task for the entire period. Student has been reminded more than once to arrive to class on time, begin working without any prompting, and/or remain on task for the entire period. Respect for Materials Student always displays respect for all Photography equipment (including cameras, lights, computers and printers.) Student has been reminded once to display respect for all Photography equipment (including cameras, lights, computers and printers.) Student has been reminded more than once to display respect for all Photography equipment (including cameras, lights, computers and printers.) Student has been reminded daily to display respect for all Photography equipment (including cameras, lights, computers and printers.) Respect for Teacher and Peers Student is always quiet and attentive during presentations. They raise their hand to speak, always participate in class discussions and provide meaningful, polite and constructive criticism during critiques. Student has been reminded once to be quiet and attentive during presentations, raise their hand to speak, participate in class discussions and provide meaningful, polite and/or constructive criticism during critiques. Student has been reminded more than once to be quiet and attentive during presentations, raise their hand to speak, participate in class discussions and provide meaningful, polite and/or constructive criticism during critiques. Student is reminded daily to be quiet and attentive during presentations, raise their hand to speak, participate in class discussions and provide meaningful, polite and/or constructive criticism during critiques. Class Participation Rubric
Grading Policy: Quizzes O Quizzes are 20% of your grade. O Quizzes can be either an activity, written assignment or project-related. O You will usually have two quizzes per marking period.
Materials Required for Class: O Flash Drive 16MB or larger. O Small sketchbook. O Digital Camera* *Cameras can be borrowed from school. IPhones can be used for assignments with some regulation.
Class Rules O 3 lates to class will result in a ROM. O The bathroom is not to be used the first or last 15 minutes of class; students must sign out before using the bathroom. O You, and no one else, is responsible for properly saving your work on your flash drive. “Lost” work cannot be graded.
Class Rules O The computers are only to be used for the assignments given in class- no social media, personal , shopping or gaming. O Photographs depicting illegal activities or offensive imagery will be reported. O Treat the cameras/computers/printers with respect, or you will not use them, and will be given written work instead.
Class Rules O No other class work will be completed during this class – it is not a study hall. Completing work from other classes will negatively effect both your weekly participation grade, your project grade, and your parents will be contacted. O Headphones and ipods are encouraged.
Class Behavior/Consequences O Grandma Rule: If you wouldn’t say it or do it in front of Grandma, you won’t say or do it here. O If your behavior or language is unacceptable, you’ll receive a verbal warning, followed by a ROM. I don’t give detentions.
Previous Student Realizations O What has this class taught you about time management/planning/meeting deadlines? “To bring my work in on time, because if I don’t I lose credit and I have less time to work on my projects. You end up working twice as hard.” “You have to experiment and take multiple pictures for homework, because you won’t get it right in just a few shots. They get better with practice.” ”If you keep up with deadlines and actually try, you will get a good grade.”
Previous Student Realizations “In photo 1 all you had to do was show up and you got an A. In photo 2 you have to be more responsible, and there are more parts to each assignment.” “Planning is important. If you want to have models in your photos, you can’t just expect them to be around that weekend. You need to have a plan and organize in order to make the assignment work.” “Some assignments require going to different locations or shooting at different times of day, or require certain weather. You can’t control these things. Having a plan makes it easier to work around what you can’t control.”