Building Partnerships – Making a Difference Building partnerships – promoting equality and social cohesion through cultural cooperation and education
Introduction The freedom of dance, theatre, photography, music and visual arts is basic to build a democratic society. The freedom of all kinds of art is guaranteed in all European constitutions.
Arts and culture are international. So they are creative spaces for intercultural dialogs that bring people together. The 4 projects coming from 3 countries – Germany, Macedonia and Sweden and 4 cities – Botkyrka, Cair, Karlsruhe and Mannheim prove this. Results
The internationality of arts is a good weapon in the fight against racism and discrimination. Botkyrka and Cair developed a pedagogic theatre project to encourage young people to become democrats. Mannheim develops an artists project to bring different cultural spheres together to start an intercultural performance of young people from different backrounds. Results
The internationality of arts is a good weapon in the fight against racism and discrimination. Karlsruhe build up a theatre that serves as a link, initiator and vehicle of interdisiplinary, artistic work, while bringing together people of all ages, religions, social differences and abilities.
Recommendation We have to be aware that culture is not good by itself. Cultural workers have to be critical and reflective. Rasict and nazist also use cultural expressions like music to spread their ideas.
Summary There should be more cultural projects from more European cities in the formal conferences of ECCAR. Cultural projects are good bridges to ECRI. ‘’Art that doesn’t go across borders is not good art’’