SCCA BACKGROUND Recognition throughout the 90s of the need to build a partnership to develop strategies to address cancer. DHEC and ACS provided support for organizational activities. Two organizational meetings in ’01 and ’02 drew over 200 health and community leaders to craft structure.
Background, cont… Steering committee crafted final organizational structure. Result was the creation of a coalition structure. First SCCA meeting was held in Coalition was staffed by DHEC and housed in DHEC offices. DHEC received CDC CCCP planning funds in Cancer plan development began in late 2003 and continued through early 2005.
Background, cont… Plan development was coordinated by DHEC staff supported by CCCP funds and led by a core planning team of organizational partners and approved by SCCA. A second DHEC staffer, supported by state funds, served as director of SCCA and worked to develop operational structure for organization.
Background, cont… In 2004, SCCA obtained IRS 501C3 non-profit status. In 2005, DHEC received CDC CCCP implementation funding. SCCA staff had grown to 5 part-time coordinators working on implementing cancer plan + the director. Still operating a part of DHEC. SCCA membership totals over 800 in 2008 with about 200 members active participants.
Background, cont… In 2006, SCCA was sufficiently organized and elected, with DHEC concurrence, to become an independent organization operating under contract to DHEC to implement the state cancer plan. SCCA has its own offices, a staff of six part time staff and a director. Organizational management firm administers operations.
SCCA Board Bylaws call for a 40 member coordinating council with a 5 member executive committee. Council members are both elected and appointed: 20 members each. –Appointed members include 5 from the SC hospital based cancer centers; 3 from the SC General Assembly and 12 from the SCCA initial founding organizations.
Board Composition, cont… –Elected members are elected by the total membership and include 9 community representatives who cannot be a health care provider; 5 health care providers; 6 representatives from each SCCA task force (committees representing each section of the SC Cancer Plan: prevention, early detection, treatment, advocacy/policy, research, survivor issues.
SCCA Founding Organizations American Cancer Society Blue Cross National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer – SC Chapter Congregational Nursing Network SC Hospital Association SC Medical Association SC Oncology Society SC Women's Cancer Coalition State Hospice Organization SE Region Cancer Information Service SC DHEC SC Dept. of Health and Human Services
DHEC/SCCA Responsibilities DHEC –Manage SCCA contract and monitor deliverables. –Provide funds for SCCA operations and plan implementation projects. –Coordinate cancer plan development and updates. –Provide evaluation and epidemiologic support. –Receive and manage CDC and state funds SCCA –Develop and conduct programs to implement cancer plan objectives and strategies. –Serve as the focal point for public health cancer control efforts. –Recruit partners and additional funding.
Advantages to Independent Coalition Ability to more freely advocate for policy change. Ability to establish an independent vision and focus, which can be difficult in the competitive environment of a large multi-purpose agency. Ability to seek private funds sometimes not available to state governments. (SCCA has raised $45,000 in private funds since 2006) Ability to allocate resources and set priorities in an expeditious manner.
Advantages, cont… Ability to have an independent bank account not tied to state procurement policies and procedures. –With that, ability to act quickly to capitalize on unexpected opportunities. Viewed as “non-governmental.”
Disadvantages of Independent Coalition Creating and managing the structure needed to successfully run a non-profit (creating board, staff, structure, etc.) takes a lot of energy and expertise from both staff and volunteers. Raising additional funds for infrastructure/development as well as expanding service delivery is challenging.
Disadvantages, cont… Communication pattern changes when coalition becomes independent. Relationship changes when CCCP monitors contract compliance and plan deliverables.
Public Financial Support for CCCP in SC $680,000 in state appropriated funds from SC General Assembly $255,000 in federal funds from CCCP Total Available = $935,000 annually
Expenditures SCCA receives $410,000 for cancer plan implementation and operations. DHEC health regions receive $280,000 in state funds for plan implementation at the local level. DHEC management, evaluation, and epi support costs total $245,000.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Tom Gillette, MPH, Manager Comprehensive Cancer Control Program