Journey to the end of the world Adventure2013
Can you fly to Antarctica?
“ Endurance ” “Elinca”
Why Antarctica? 100 years since: Roald Amundsen (1911) Robert Falcon Scott (1912) Ernest Shackleton (1914)
Different era same challenges Distance from England ~ miles A world of different weather Living in a small space – Morale is very important Upon arrival in Antarctica = ICE!
‘Saloon’ = living/eating room ‘Heads’ = toilets ‘Galley’ = kitchen ‘Helm’ = wheel Bunks Close living confinements -Going to the loo when the world is moving up and down -Cooking for each other in a 2 m kitchen -Making sure everyone has a place and feels useful -Making cups of tea at a 40 degree angle
What’s the time?
Penguins? or Polar bears?
Climate and clothing
The end of the world Any questions?