Rise of Italian Fascism Il Ducé and Italy,
Origins of Italian Fascism Problems of WWI: irredenta, inflation, ideology Fear of Communism: braccianti, strikes Mussolini = the answer
Benito Mussolini ( ) Grew up in red zone of Emilia-Romagna Named after Juarez, grew up a socialist Editor of Avanti Nationalist and supported Italy’s intervention in WWI Fought in WWI Complete the “Risorgimento” Modernize Italy Formed paramilitary groups: squadristi into fasci to fight strikers His fasci sacked the Avanti offices Mussolini still harbored some socialist views.
Gaining Popularity Strict party discipline No. 1 enemy was Bolshevism Acquire political power for Fascist Party Glorification of his own military prowess Corporatism Futurism in the Arts Refused to serve as a cabinet member in existing government
March on Rome (29 Oct. 1922) 300,000 Fascist Party members in Spring 1922 Staged March on Rome with complicity of King Victor Emmanuel II. (M. took train into Rome so he could be part of march.) Mussolini allowed to form government; conservatives believed they could control him.
In Power Murder of Giacomo Matteoti 1925—given dictatorial powers Enjoyed support from Big Business and Church (Lateran Accords—1929) Appeared to make trains run on time—public works, Dopolavoro recreation program for workers, morale, and militarization. Stresa Conference (1935) and evolving foreign policy. Ethiopian Invasion (1935) Spanish Civil War ( )
Inspecting the Troops
Spanish Civil War tensions between industrial democratic peoples and supporters of agrarian feudalism regional independence movements (especially in Catalonia and Basque territory) vs. nationalism dispute over the role of the Church
Spanish Civil War 1931 – monarchy fails to put down a revolt in Morocco people revolt because they perceive the government to be weak a republic is established the republican government separates church and state – very controversial right and left camps –workers were upset that the government was not more radical so they rioted –right wing reaction, esp. from Spanish fascists known as the Falange –left wing groups banded together in a Popular Front movement –Popular Front wins control of the government (1936)
Spanish Civil War Popular Front reforms –divide up some large estates –force industrialists to take back workers who had been dismissed for striking –close Catholic schools these reforms lead the army to attempt a coup (1936) –Mussolini had been secretly encouraging this –July 12 - a monarchist leader is murdered by a republican –July 17 – army revolts saying that the government can’t guarantee safety and security
Spanish Civil War
the war should have ended quickly prolonged, in part, by –Fascist and Nazi support of the Nationalists –Communist support of the Loyalists
an opportunity to test weapons
Condor Legion Hitler sent his famous “Condor Legion” a group of skilled pilots with new planes that were skilled at dive bombing over Guernica (at right)
Picasso: Guernica, 1937
Atrocities on Both Sides Loyalists murder priests and nuns
Rome-Berlin Axis, Oct “Rome and Berlin to be points on an axis around which the rest of events in Europe will turn.” Mussolini, who had opposed earlier threat of Anschluss, supported Hitler’s 1938 political unification with Austria.