My Child Was Just Identified with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: Now What Do I Do? Overview of Autism
Topics What We Know about Autism 10 Tips for Families Intervention Supports Comprehensive Approach Addressing Needs in the Home
Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Asperger’s Syndrome Pervasive Developmental Disorder not Otherwise Specified
Topic for Today: What We Know about Autism
What We Know About Autism Incidence is 1 in 110 children (CDC, 2009) Four times more boys than girls Found in all racial, ethnic & social backgrounds No known cause We’re still learning
Current Beliefs about Autism A neuro-biological disorder A spectrum disorder (continuum with combinations of symptoms)
Autism Continuum Measured IQ Cognitive impairment Gifted Social Interaction AloofPassive Odd Communication Non-verbal Verbal Sensory Hyposensitive Hypersensitive Adapted from Dalrymple, Porco, & Chung Motor Skills UncoordinatedCoordinated
“ If you’ve met one child with autism, you’ve met one child with autism.” -Stephen Shore
Activity: What do you notice?
What Have You Noticed? Social Communication Behavior
Did You Notice? Social: Might not show anticipatory behaviors Might not share joint attention Difficulty interacting with other children Might not respond to name
Did You Notice? Communication: Might appear “deaf” Might avoid looking at people Might not imitate speech Might use echolalia more than children without ASD
Did You Notice? Behavior: Unusual repetitive movements May have high pain tolerance Wants “sameness” Unusual response to sound Extreme attachments to objects
It’s Important to Remember: No known cure, but interventions can reduce some of the challenges associated with autism Children can and do improve