JUNO: some ideas and some language practice Teacher Isabel Neves, Jan 2013
What would you do if you were pregnant/ if your girlfriend was pregnant ? Have the baby and start a family Have an abortion Have the baby and give it for adoption WHY ?
How would you feel if your belly/ your girlfriend’s belly got that big ? Awsome ! Ok as long as the baby is alright Awful ! Depressed Weird ! WHY ?
Would you go to school just like Juno did ? Yes because… No because…. Maybe…
FACTS : Mark doesn’t love Vanessa anymore But if he had loved her he would have wanted that baby !
FACT - Juno and Paulie didn’t keep the baby But if they had kept the baby, they ……….
Vanessa can’t have a baby. But if she could have a baby, she ……
Mark doesn’t want to stay in a relationship with Vanessa, he would rather move…..