Session Four: Fasting. “…the voluntary abstaining from food for spiritual purposes spiritual purposes.”~ Derek Prince A hunger strike, on the other hand,


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Presentation transcript:

Session Four: Fasting

“…the voluntary abstaining from food for spiritual purposes spiritual purposes.”~ Derek Prince A hunger strike, on the other hand, is often political undertaken to achieve some political power or draw attention to a particular issue.

1) Did Biblical figures fast? Did Jesus? ◦ Moses, David, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Anna, Paul, and yes – Jesus 2) The Sermon on the Mount ◦ Matthew 6:16, Jesus said, “When you fast…” 3) Fasting occurs because we are apart from Jesus, the bridegroom ◦ Matthew 9:15

One primary purpose: 1) To glorify our Father in heaven Two secondary purposes 1) reveals the things that control us 2) helps us keep our balance in life

 Gives glory to God  Praying with power  Loosens bonds  Frees the oppressed  Brings obedience to the Word  Humbles us  Overcomes temptation  Purification  Agreement with God  Guidance in crisis  Crucifies the flesh

Normal Fast Normal Fast – abstain from food but not water, e.g. Jesus in the desert, max. 40 days Absolute Fast Absolute Fast – no food or liquid – detrimental after 3 days Partial Fast Partial Fast – abstain from a certain food or food group, e.g. giving up chocolate or meat for Lent

regular public One regular public fast – Day of Atonement (see Leviticus 23:27) specific Other specific public fasts – for national emergencies (see 2 Chronicles 20:1-4) private Most are private fasts – for the purpose of humility, not self-proclamation

1) What is our motivation? 2) What sort of fast will we observe, and how long will it last? 3) What are our spiritual objectives? 4) Is the fast self-directed or other-directed?

If you have any physical concern or a health issue that may be effected by a fast, please consult a physician for advice. If you have diabetes, heart problems, are significantly underweight or pregnant, you should not fast. If you have even intermittent issues with blood pressure, or if you are on prescribed medication, you must seek a doctor for advice before fasting.

 First 3 days – headaches, stomach growling, bad breath, dizziness, loss of 2 lbs per day, feel cold ◦ Brush often (tongue too!) ◦ Rest when possible ◦ Rise slowly ◦ Dress in layers to stay warm ◦ Read the Word of God often!  After 5 days – stronger, more alert, loss of just 1 pound per day, heightened taste & smell awareness By days 9-10, toxins have been eliminated, minor stomach irritation Between days 21-40, if you feel hungry, break the fast Body begins to feed itself from within if you do not stop

“As thou are in church or cell, that same frame of mind carry out into the world; into its turmoil and its fitfulness.” Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, to which we may continuously return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-torn lives, warning us with intimations of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto Itself.