Journalism Style (for those with short attention spans)
Section 1: Formatting Indent paragraphs using the tab key. Use. One. Space. After. Periods.
Section 2: Abbreviations MOST words are not abbreviated. Abbreviate months when used with dates but not when used without dates. Jan. 27 vs. January March, April, May, June and July are not abbreviated. Time = a.m. and p.m. 7 a.m., 6:30 p.m.
Abbreviations (con’t) Money = $amount. $10 vs. 10 dollars or $10 dollars Use periods if the abbreviation spells a word. U.S., U.N.
Section 3: Capitalization Club names Key Club, Chess Club PROPER course names and building names AP Biology, Newspaper 1, Dale E. Graham Auditorium MOST titles are not capitalized.
Section 4: Identification Titles of three or fewer words come IN FRONT of the name (no commas). guard and junior John Doe Titles of four or more words come AFTER the name (with commas). Jane Doe, ruler of the world and junior, Don’t use honorifics. Mr., Mrs., Dr.
Section 5: Figures and Numbers Spell out numbers with one digit (0 to 9). Use numerals for numbers with more than one digit (10 and above). For ranges of numbers, use the word “to.” 10 to 12, seven to 25
Section 6: Punctuation No comma before the last item in a series. gold, frankincense and myrrh The apostrophe is for possessives, not plurals.
Punctuation (con’t) Quotation marks and proper punctuation: “This is a direct quote,” Smith said. “It looks like this.” Use italics for books and printed materials. Use quotation marks for non-printed materials.
Section 7: Sports Use hyphens for scores, not “to.” 77-62, Always put the winning score first. Use “men’s” and “women’s” when referring to teams. Tournaments: Sectional, Regional, Semistate, State, State Final Don’t use “Lady Hounds.”