By Moani Revoir
8 or more characters long. Longer passwords are harder to hack however, if your password is too long, it is easy to miss spell or to forget how you spelled it. Example:$uperdog$ instead of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Mix lower and upper case characters, capital letters, AND numbers. Example:1Dir3cti0n instead of 1direction
Punctuation marks or special characters. Example:Tay10rSw!ft instead of TaylorSwift
Your name Names of relatives Names of friends Names of pets Favorite sports teams Famous people
Do you agonize over choosing a password? Most people do too! Here are some suggestions: Substitute the letter “o” with a zero Substitute the letter “i” with an “L” or lower case “l” or “!” Substitute the letter “c” with a parenthesis or “[“ or “{“
Example: TaylorSwiftwould become%qo94W28r5
Example: TaylorSwiftwould becomeGz.lfXskvg
Example: TaylorSwift would becomeGzo9fXs8vg
Examples: appleswould becomeappleS$s Even better: applesaucewould becomea2pl3$au(3