Research program Heureka Analysis and planning system for multi-objective forestry -vision, core and applications
Remningstorp year 2024
Cornerstones: 1.Have a holistic approach
Cornerstones: 1.Have a holistic approach 2.Analyses for long time and specific area
13 sub-projects 1. Production models 2. Production and climate 3. Decay of dead wood 4. Biomass and carbon 5. Root rut 6. Wood properties 7. Soil 8. Biodiversity 9. Data collection 10. Social values 11. Decision under risk 12. Optimization 13. Land owner behaviour
Young forest 8-10 m Older forest Growth Damages Mortality Growth Mortality
Biodiversity Lars Edenius & Grzegorz Mikusiński What is the future for the three-toed wood pecker in Kilsbergen? Bild: L. Edenius
Site conditions Climate Uptake RespirationLitter Decomposition Weathering Base material Modelling processes in soil Leaching Deposition Influencing factors: Manage- ment
The Heureka system Four applications for different users and problems: 1.National and regional analyses 2.Long-term planning for forest enterprises 3.Operational planning 4.Planning for small-scale forestry
Application for regional analyses
Heureka regional application Scenario analyses for large geographic areas and all landowners
Recreation Forest fuel Trees Soil Carbon ton C/ha Climate change What can be analysed? More utilities and integrated analyses Wood Biodiversity
For whom? Authorities: Organisations: Companies: Primary Long-term planning application
Application for long-term planning
For what? Decision support for long-term planning Problem solving Evaluation
For whom? Companies and organisations managing forest Private forest owners Researchers and students
Application for operational planning
Operations and logistics in forestry
Application for small-scale forestry planning Small-scale forestry: Family forestry Municipalities Church and others
Cornerstones: 1.Have a holistic approach 2.Analyses for long time and specific area 3.Demand of tools
About the research program Ca 30 researchers from 10 different departments of SLU and Skogforsk Synthesis of knowledge from different areas A way to make results from research operational
Cornerstones: 1.Have a holistic approach 2.Analyses for long time and specific area 3.Demand of tools 4.Our idea is to utilize others’ good ideas
Future User adaptation Participatory planning New utilities New and enhanced functionality New application for landscape scenarios - impediment, grazing land, marginal farmland
Research program Heureka Summary: Scenarios for forest landscape development Integrated analyses - wood, forest fuel, recreation, biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Analyses on regional level, as well as planning for companies and small-scale forestry.