Marcus Öhman Ministry of Agriculture Sweden Baltic Sea Strategy Priority area 9 - Fishery
Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendal
Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendal
Integrated strategy Macro-region Baltic Sea Region
Four thematic pillars 1) Environmental sustainable 2) Prosperous 3) Accessible and Attractive 4) Safe and Secure
Four thematic pillars 1) Environmental sustainable 2) Prosperous 3) Accessible and Attractive 4) Safe and Secure
Four thematic pillars 1) Environmental sustainable 2) Prosperous 3) Accessible and Attractive 4) Safe and Secure
15 priority areas
Priority area 9 To reinforce sustainability of agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Agriculture Forestry Agriculture Forestry
Common Fishery Policy European Unions instrument for the management of fisheries and aquaculture 27 Member States
Baltic Sea Unique Sea Brakish Water Sensitive Environment Few Species Type of Fishery Fishing Gear and Ships.
Baltic Sea Fisheries Fleet Overcapacity Low Profitability Control and Compliance Overfished Stocks
Baltic Sea Fisheries Management Baltic Sea: 8 EU-states + Russia A semi-enclosed European Sea Regional opportunity Baltic Sea Strategy Collaboration.
Priority areas are implemented through ACTIONS
Priority areas are implemented through ACTIONS Strategic Actions Address Specific and Important Issues Cooperative Actions Improving Cooperation
Continue the adaptation of the Baltic Sea fishing fleet capacity to the available resources.
Continue the adaptation of the Baltic Sea fishing fleet capacity to the available resources Reduce overfishing Increase economic performance of fleet segment Challenges for management How to adjust fishing capacity
Eradicating discards.
Eradicating discards Reduce / elminate discards Selective fishing gear Spatial planning / Protected areas.
Improve control and stop illegal fishing.
Improve control and stop illegal fishing Improved national control and inspection Improved coordination and harmonisation among Member States
Develop and improve coordination and cooperation among Member States and stakeholders.
Develop and improve coordination and cooperation among Member States and stakeholders Overall objective of the strategy Collaboration and cooperation Enhance the role of the Baltic Sea Regional Advisory Council
Enhance the combined effects of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) programme.
FLAGSHIP PROJECTS Projects with high significance.
Ensure sustainable fishing.
Ensure sustainable fishing Cooperation Develop alternative approaches Exchange of existing best practise Long term management plans Ecosystem approach etc
Encourage sustainable aquaculture production methods.
We heard it before! Nothing new! Why do we need the Baltic Sea Strategy?.
The Baltic Sea Strategy is about:. - Regionalisation -Encourage cooperation -Indicate issues where collaboration is desirable - Identify priority areas for the Baltic Sea Region - Propose fora where this discussion takes place - Cooperation with ongoing developments - Cooperation with organisation addressing similar issues e.g. HELCOM.
Time Plan.
Time Plan Draft Council Conclusions on the Baltic Sea Strategy agreed 25 Sep Final adoption: Council of EU General Affairs (GAERC) 26 Oct Kick off in Finland for Priority Area 9 Identify lead countries Start projects.
Marcus Öhman Ministry of Agriculture Sweden Baltic Sea Strategy Priority area 9 - Fishery