PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY DENİZLİ, TURKEY National Technical Waste Management Report from Turkey
PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY DENIZLI, TURKEY Asst. Prof. Selçuk TOPRAK Asst. Prof. Osman Nuri AĞDAĞ Asst. Prof. Abdullah Cem KOÇ Assoc. Prof. Hüseyin SELÇUK Dr. Mahmut FIRAT
Introduction Management of the increasing quantities of solid waste is a global environmental issue. The issue of waste is not only because of increasing quantities but also largely because of an inadequate management system. In general, there is a lack of organization and planning in waste management due to insufficient information about regulations and due to financial restrictions in many developing countries, like in Turkey.
Municipal solid waste is normally disposed of in an open dump in many Turkish cities and towns. There are 3215 municipalities and 16 of them are metropolitan municipalities. Approximately 3000 municipalities have solid waste management services. Solid waste generation rate in Turkey is about 1.34 kg per capita. Simple landfill or dump is used for disposal of solid waste in a big part of the country. But, the numbers of sanitary landfill and composting plant have been increased recently
There are three official agencies interested in solid waste management in Turkey. – Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry, – State Institute of Statistics (SIS) – Municipalities.
Ministry of Environment and Forestry publishes and implements regulations related to solid waste management Ministry of Environment and Forestry publishes and implements regulations related to solid waste management SIS publishes one of the major sources of information of solid waste in Turkey. SIS publishes one of the major sources of information of solid waste in Turkey. Municipalities have responsible for collection and transportation of solid waste, disposal of solid waste and recovery and recycling of solid waste. Municipalities have responsible for collection and transportation of solid waste, disposal of solid waste and recovery and recycling of solid waste.
Statistical Data Quantity of solid waste - I The quantity and general composition of the waste material is very important in the design and operation of solid waste management systems.
Quantity of solid waste - II
Total Solid Waste Generation of Some Major Cities of Turkey Quantity of solid waste - III
Quantity of Solid Waste in a day Quantity of Solid Waste - IV
Solid Waste Composition -I Season HSW (kg/day) Organic and wet (%) Ash and slug (%) Recyclable (%) Summer Winter Average Household solid waste (HSW) composition in Turkey Data indicate that the majority of the household waste in Turkey is organic in nature, and that slug and ash constitute an important fraction. But, these data belong to about five years ago. Natural gas has become the major source of energy used for household heating. So, quantities of slug and ash have been decreasing recently
Municipal solid waste composition in major cities of Turkey (%) Solid Waste Composition -II
Solid Waste Composition -III
Solid Waste Composition -IV
ParametersAverage Value Moisture Content (%) Total Nitrogen (mg/kg dry solid) Calorific Value (kcal/kg) 2100 Total Carbon (% dry solid) Total Volatile Solid (% dry solid) pH 6.20 Solid Waste Composition - V
Collection of solid wastes - I Local Authorities (municipalities) have responsible for waste collection and transportation in Turkey. Different containers are used for interim storage of solid waste. Generally, the size of 0.4 and 0.7 m3 containers are used for interim storage in Turkey.
Interim Storage Tools (For Mixed Domestic Waste and Capacity is 700 L ) Collection of solid wastes - II
For Household Hazardous Waste BatteriesOther Hazardous Waste Collection of solid wastes - III
Generally, the solid waste collection method used in Turkey is curb-side collection method without source separation. But, in some of cities of Turkey, source-separated collection is carried out. Collection of solid wastes - IV
Source separated collection of glass and paper &cardboard in Denizli city, Turkey Collection of solid wastes - V
COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES For Mixed Domestic Waste For Medical Waste Collection of solid wastes - VI
Disposal of solid wastes - I In spite of efforts to change open waste disposal sites into sanitary landfills and to build modern recycling and composting facilities, Turkey, as an economically developing country, still has over 2000 open dumps. Unfortunately, unsanitary landfilling has still used in some cities and towns in Turkey. Municipalities are compelled to construct a sanitary landfill for disposal of own solid wastes by Ministry of Environment and Forestry.
Unsanitary landfilling in Çal town in Denizli, Turkey Disposal of solid wastes - II
Disposal of solid wastes - III Municipalities are compelled to construct a sanitary landfill for disposal of own solid wastes by Ministry of Environment and Forestry. In addition, Ministry of Environment and Forestry supplies economical support to municipalities for removal of solid wastes with sanitary landfilling or composting
Municipality waste indicators (Data includes clinical waste amount) Disposal of solid wastes - IV
Current, constructing and planned sanitary landfill areas in Turkey Current sanitary landfill Constructing sanitary landfill Planned sanitary landfill Disposal of solid wastes - VI
Some Landfill Plant in Turkey AnkaraCapacity: 2500 tons/day İstanbulServed since 1993 GaziantepCapacity: 1000 tons/day BursaCapacity: 700 tons/day MarmarisCapacity: 75 tons/day İzmirThe first landfill plant in Turkey founded in KemerCapacity: 100 tons/day MersinOperated with composting and sorting facilities DenizliCapacity: 600 tons/day Disposal of solid wastes - VII
Sanitary landfill plant in Denizli, Turkey Disposal of solid wastes - VIII
Current composting plants of Turkey (red colored) Disposal of solid wastes - IX
The Europan landfill directive (1999) and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (1994) aim to reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal wastes going to landfill. But, composting is the second preferred method in Turkey because of high cost, low public acceptance and limited usefulness. Composting plant in Istanbul, Turkey Disposal of solid wastes - X
Combustion Capacity: tons/year Solid Waste: 2600 kg/h Liquid Waste: 1400 kg/h Calorific Value: 86 Gj/h Generation of Electricity: 5.2 MW/h Clinical and Hazardous Waste Incineration Plant (IZMIT) Operation Date: 28 March 1997 Disposal of solid wastes - XI
Recovery and Recycling - I Waste minimization has been placed at the top of the solid waste management hierarchy. It consists of two basic operations: source reduction and recycling. In Turkey, separate collection programs for recyclable household waste by more than 60 municipalities, continuing in excess of three years, demonstrate solid evidence for public acceptance and continuing support from the citizens.
City Paper and Cardboard (%) Metal (%) Glass (%) Plastics (%) Textile (%) Ankara Bursa Istanbul Izmir Kayseri Samsun Recyclable Solid Waste Percentage in some Cities of Turkey Recovery and Recycling - II
Solid waste recovery and recycling has been a long-standing commercial activity in Turkey. Glass and paper recycling have been conducted at industrial scales since the 1950s. With the recent investments in the recycling industry, almost all types plastic materials, glass, paper and metals can be recycled at industrial levels in Turkey. The scrap metal recycling industry essentially is built on small and medium scale scrap dealers spread around the country. Recyclable household waste such as plastics, paper & cardboard, glass are collected as source separated by municipality in some cities of Turkey. But, these types of wastes are mostly conducted by the scrap dealers and scavengers. Recovery and Recycling - III
Amounts of packing waste in Turkey Recovery and Recycling - IV
Costs of Solid Waste Disposal Methods in Turkey Disposal MethodsCost ($/ton) Unsanitary Landfilling 1–3 Sanitary Landfilling3–10 Composting10–40 Incineration30–80
Legal and Institutional Framework There are many legislation related to environment such as; the regulation of water pollution control, regulation of air pollution control in Turkey. In line with the Environment Law, several regulations about solid waste have been issued since 1983: –Control of Solid Waste Regulation (1991) – Regulation on Control of Medical Waste (1993, updated in 2005) –Control of Hazardous Wastes Regulation (1993, updated in 2005) –Regulation on Waste Batteries and Accumulators (2004) –Packaging and Packaging Waste Control Regulations (2004)
Needs Analysis-Problems-Solutions The following problems have been identified with regard to management of municipal solid waste: insufficient awareness of the society about environmental problems insufficient separation of household waste lack of instruments for the separation of solid wastes lack of a uniform system for recording the municipal waste generated, lack of waste recycling/reduction programs lack of sanitary landfills because of low cost of unsanitary landfilling insufficient treatment of leachate lack of systematical tests of waste contents lack of markets for waste recycling and reuse lack of foundation for the management of waste lack of efficient systems for the management of medical waste, lack of a system of monitoring of the amount of medical waste generated, Lack of awareness of the effect of medical waste
Solutions Develop an environmental education program Develop new waste management program for reducing, recycling and reusing of waste Develop a source separation plan Develop recyclable products Find some new foundations for sanitary landfilling and decrease the cost of landfilling afterward Stop unsanitary landfilling Develop a waste management plan for household hazardous materials, batteries, medical waste, explosive waste and waste oils Collect data and make a strategy to decrease the quantity of total stored waste in next years Increase the energy recovery from waste Integrating waste disposal regulations with the EU standards
Conclusion The review of municipal solid waste statistics in Turkey indicates that average municipal solid waste per capita is approximately 1.34 kg/day. The composition of municipal solid waste varies by the source of waste; however in all cases organic constituents is higher than 50% of municipal solid waste. There are 12 sanitary landfills, 4 composting plants and 3 incineration plants in Turkey. The number of these plants should be increased. Especially, small cities and towns have not a solid waste disposal plant.
Solid waste collection and transportation are carried out by municipalities. But, the rate of source separation collection system should be increased. In addition, hospital waste should be collected and disposed apart from domestic waste in all region of Turkey. The importance of waste minimization, recovery and recycling should be explained to public Conclusion