#1 Clarify Focal MEAs, Status and Linkages with Development Priorities #2 Identify Synergies Among Focal MEAs #3 Articulate Desired Future Outcomes #4 Identify Portfolio of MEA Policies for Achieving Future Outcomes MEA Outcome Planning #6 Prepare MEA Policy Planning Brief Tool #1: MEA Priorities Mapping using Ecosystem - Wellbeing Linkages [Day 1 am/pm] Tool #2: MEA Synergy Mapping using DPSIR Analysis [Day 2 am] Tool #3: Setting the Challenge Scenario [Day 2 pm] Tool #5: Policy Stress Testing using Existing Scenarios [Day 3 pm] Tool #4: Policy Mapping and Back-casting [Day 3am] Tool #6: Policy Planning Brief [Day 4 am] IMPLEMENTATION AND REPORTING #5 Assess Risks and Opportunities and Improve and Adapt as Necessary Workshop Agenda
Sustainable future = ? current reality time Backcasting... (i.e. ” what do we want? ” ) Strategies and actions = ? (What are some basics?) David Waldron University of Delft, 2008
Creating the desired future outcomes Desired future outcomes expressed as indicators (qualitative and quantitative) relevant for the area/country Present Future How can we achieve the desired future goals and outcomes? -Some of our current policies and actions could get us there -Need to account for long-term trends and surprises -New policies could be adopted to get us to the desired future Desired future goals based on the MEAS Completed Our current focus
Creating the desired future outcomes Desired future outcomes Decrease the monoculture forestry by 30% Maintain high and stable timber supply (mil m 3 of wood) Achieve at least 80% of current economic returns from forest sector Present Future How can we achieve the desired future outcomes? For example: -Current economic diversification policy could be used to explore new types of products (from different species) -Revising species and planting guidelines to include native tree species -Setting quotas for species composition -Estimate how the revenues are sensitive to changes in wood prices and new construction demands (what if questions )
6 Examples of policy types Economic Instruments Tradable permits Deposit refund Performance bonds Taxes Earmark taxes and funds User fees Subsidies Administered prices Direct Expenditures Programs and projects Green procurement Research and development Moral suasion Regulatory –Legislative instruments –Enforcement activities –Liability –Competition and deregulation policy Institutional –Internal education –Internal policies and procedures
Tool #4 Policy Mapping Using the Driving Forces- - Pressure – State – Impact – Response analysis framework to map existing policies from a systems perspective
STATE and TRENDS What is the key environment state addressed by the MEA? IMPACTS Aspects of human wellbeing PRESSURES Anthropogenic and natural Sectors Human influences Natural processes DRIVERS Indirect influence through human development Ecosystem services impacted MEA Policy Map Policy 3 Policy 4 Policy 5 Policy 6 Policy 8 Policy 7 Policy 1 Policy 2 Creating a Policy Map – A System Perspective
STATE and TRENDS River Water Quality IMPACTS Nutrition and hydration Livelihoods Recreational and Cultural enjoyment PRESSURES Sewage Discharge Sectors Human influences Natural processes DRIVERS Urban Growth Decreased fish catches Less drinking water MEA Policy Map Infrastructure expenditures Sewer charges Water quality standards In-situ treatment Food imports Water imports Job creation incentives Spatial development regulations Creating a Policy Map – Example
Policy Analysis Questions Is the current portfolio of policies directed at the MEA sufficient to achieve the desired long-term outcome target? What are the leverage points (D, P, S, I) and are effective policies being directed at these leverage points? Is a mix of instruments being used (economic, regulatory, expenditure, institutional)?
Breakout Group Exercise #4 [45 min] Policy-mapping Task #1: Create a policy map for your MEA using the template provided Task #2: Analyse the policy map by addressing the three policy analysis questions (previous slide) Task 3: Make recommendations to address the policy gaps
STATE and TRENDS What is the key environment state addressed by the MEA? IMPACTS Aspects of human wellbeing PRESSURES Anthropogenic and natural Sectors Human influences Natural processes DRIVERS Indirect influence through human development Ecosystem services impacted MEA Policy Map Policy 3 Policy 4 Policy 5 Policy 6 Policy 8 Policy 7 Policy 1 Policy 2 Policy Mapping Template