Grade 8 Course Selection
Grade 9 Courses Must take: EnglishApplied, Academic or Locally Dev. Math Applied, Academic or Locally Dev. Science Applied, Academic or Locally Dev. Geography Applied, Academic FrenchApplied or Academic PhysEdOpen – male or female + 2 Elective Courses
Available at Maple HS Gifted Program – for students with a “Gifted” identification – ends in “G” - English, Math, Science, Geography Advanced Placement Preparation – for students interested in beginning to prepare to write the Advanced Placement exams in Grade 12 – ends in “6” –English, Math, Science, Geography
Grade 9 Electives ADA1O1Drama AMI1O1Music – Instrumental AMV1O1Music – Vocal AVI1O1Visual Arts BTT1O1 Business Info Tech HIF1O1Family Studies TIJ1O1Exploring Technologies TXJ1O1Exploring Hairstyling
Accessing Career Cruising:
Select Compulsory Courses
Choose Elective Courses
Print a DRAFT and discuss it with your teacher and your parents/guardians
SUBMIT by February 23 rd
Courses Locked
Print a FINAL COPY and get it signed by your parent/guardian
Hand in Final Copy to your Grade 8 teacher by February 27 th. Registration Forms are due to your Grade 8 teacher by January 30th.