Chapter 9 Spain Looks Westward “What elements of a society’s worldview might lead to a desire to create an empire?”
Read story page193 What factors do you think influence Christopher Columbus to want to set out on his voyage? Fame, fortune, find unknown, etc Why might the Spanish monarchs have been reluctant to support him? Other European leaders had turned him down, he wasn’t Spanish, they didn’t trust him, they thought his plan wouldn’t succeed, the cost was too high, it could look foolish.
Section 1: Geography and Religion “Geography controls everything” True or false – small group discussion( you need to have support for your position) Read page page 200 complete T-chart on the positive and negative impact of Muslim rule List 2 reasons why the Muslims lost control of Spain. How does geography affect how we live? Write a saying that applies to the impact of geography in our lives and draw a picture to go along with it. (For example, Snow rules! With a visual with a snowplow stuck in a snow drift)
Section 2: Creating a Christian Spain In what ways did Ferdinand and Isabella impose their religious worldview on Spanish society? How could someone impose their worldview on others? Read aloud the opening paragraph on page 201 How do certain people and events can have a strong influence on others.
read pages 203 and 204 When is expulsion necessary? – Define what expulsion means. Is the expulsion of students from school ever justified? What about the expulsion of citizens from a country? Can you think of examples of citizen being expelled from an area? Notes: Ferdinand and Isabella: Heroes or Villains? Read aloud and pages 205 and 206, “Saving Souls.” Why do you think Ferdinand and Isabella were so determined to force their worldview on others. Why do they think the people of Spain went along with this? Reflection (persuasive paragraph): Do you think Ferdinand and Isabella’s actions during the Spanish Requisition were justified? Support your answer with details and examples.