Stake comes from a cow most cows have a red tag on there ears so they can identify the different. They are also branded to tell who owns them. They eat hay to build mussel its healthy for them.
There was a talking mouse in this one. Theirs a pota bag that’s made out of cow skin to carry your water. You put it on your shoulder there was disgusting milk that the lady was showing it looked like she was smelling it cheese making began in 1821.
Milk is formed south west factory. Sometimes if you eat bad food you can get sick. Use hot water to wash your hands for at least 20 sec. to keep away from germs.
The dairy barn had a cow and the man showed us how to properly milk a cow. First you have to clean their utter. Second they put a tubes to suck the milk and put it in a jar. Third he took the tubes of and showed how much milk she can produce.
Pecans-the native Americans tree not- have been a tasty favorite for centuries. The first known cultivated pecan tree plantings are thought to have taken place in the late 1600’s or early 1700’s in northern Mexico, whereas the first U.S. planting took place in Long Island, NY in 1772.
North western nm 4000 years ago. They came up with the corn. Corn, beans, squash. They would harvest the corn. They needed to grind the corn. Nuggets have corn oil in them and corn starch invented in 1940.
Cotton has bin in New Mexico since the year (22 million in 2006) plants million ackers and produces million bales. there was chilly they call it a weed.
The farmers ranch had all types of animals like cows, bulls, sheep, goat, houses, the cows were eating. Goats were sleeping. Bulls were standing and I saw one fall in love with Ryan. Houses were running. The sheep were baaaing.