Kelsey Parker Frostburg State University Intern I Spring 2013 Teaching with Technology
Background: -6 th grade -Social Studies -Braddock Middle School -Geography Lesson -“Map Elements”
Introduction: My classroom at Braddock didn’t have much technology. There was a computer with very limited internet access, a projector, and an overhead. To perform this lesson plan with my students, I took my co-curricular class to the library to use the projector and computer lab. The lesson was about map elements. This group of students are very mixed with ability levels. The lesson being taught was a review from their Social Studies classes in grades 3-6.
Instruction: Below is the link to the instructional part of the lesson. We used the computer and projector to display information to the students. /M2U00071.MPGhttps:// /M2U00071.MPG
Student Work Students had an opportunity to answer any questions, and then were sent to computers to work independently. Below is a link to the students using the computers in the library computer lab. M2U00072.MPGhttps:// M2U00072.MPG
Conclusion Students went to the follow websites to complete their activity. Using the computers helped them to grasp the content of an idea through visual and interactive learning. maps/pa_2.html. maps/pa_2.html
Citations: B88D614EF692503E7ED876D3D5 B88D614EF692503E7ED876D3D5 Above is the link to the lesson plan that accompanies the videos.