Instructional Service Agreement Classes MPC Board of Trustees Meeting July 31, 2007
What is an ISA? An Instructional Service Agreement (ISA) is a partnership between a community college and an outside organization to provide college level training for its employees, trainees or members. ISA’s are mutually beneficial because instructional costs are shared; individuals with special expertise can be assigned to teach courses that are approved through the college’s curriculum approval process; and the college can claim participating students for state apportionment.
Education Code Requirements Contract Guide for ISA’s between College Districts and Public Agencies MPC Instructional Service Agreement MPC Contract for Academic Services
MPC Instructional Service Agreements Personal Fitness Drama Law Enforcement Training Fire Technology Parks and Recreation
MPC Instructional Service Agreements Physical Education (Swimming) Nursing (Childbirth Education) Emergency Medical Services State Park Docents Monterey Bay Aquarium Nautical Science
ISA FTES CONTRACTCREDIT NON- CREDIT TOTAL Personal Fitness01, Drama Law Enforcement Training Parks & Recreation Fire Technology Nursing Emergency Medical Services Others TOTAL , ,173.43
ContractExpenditureFTE Cost per FTE Personal Fitness$1,014,4961,920.76$ Drama$209, $ Law Enforcement Training $429, $1, Parks & Recreation$108, $ Fire Technology$129, $ Nursing$8, $ Emergency Medical Services $31, $ Others$48, $ Total$1,980,9603,173.43$ ISA Expenditures
Conclusions It takes 96% of MPC’s general fund dollars to produce 62% of our FTES. It only takes 4% of MPC’s general fund dollars to produce 38% of our FTES. ISA’s are very cost effective, and therefore, very appealing. Not all Instructional Service Agreements are created equal. Certain ISA’s are extremely dependent on external factors (i.e., the economy, changes in regulations, politics). This makes them very volatile. Quality control of instructional delivery. It behooves MPC to reduce its dependency on certain types of ISA’s and move toward increasing credit offerings and dependable ISA’s.