Renaisa S. Anthony MD, MPH Deputy Director/Assistant Professor Center for Reducing Health Disparities College of Public Health (402) September 15, 2015 Honest & Helpful Answers Any and Everything You Wanted To Know About Down There
Women’s Health Physician Women’s Integrative Care (Prevention) Caring for women & patients for 10+ years Honor and privilege Doctor/patient relationship Backstage pass to the lives of women
Who are you? Women Nurses Physicians Public Health Practitioners Other Health Care Providers Community Members Staff Members Administrators Students
What are we going to do? INTERACTIVE PROCESS your active participation and engagement is strongly encouraged and greatly appreciated.
Ensure the moon or sun doesn’t implode or fall out of the sky How comfortable are you saying the following words?
Vaginas have been called many names over time. They are the gateway to life (childbirth). They come in different sizes and shapes (not one size fits all). Vaginal health is a part of holistic health, (sexual and reproductive health) Vaginas can cause pain and pleasure Vagina is not a dirty word or dirty part of your body They are often misunderstood!! They deserve respect, care and to be called by their rightful name! It’s More Than Anatomy! VAGINA DIALOGUES:
Do you remember the first time you knew you had a vagina? What did you learn growing up about your vagina? What name were you taught to call it? What do you currently call it? Have you ever seen your own vagina? It’s More Than Anatomy! VAGINA DIALOGUES:
Anatomy: Sexual & Reproductive
Are you still there?
Life Course Perspective
The Female Life Cycle
University of Nebraska Medical Center
PROCESS: 1)Raised hand questions 2)Bucket Sticky Note Questions 3)We go until time runs out 4)No stupid questions…only stupid question is one you know the answer to 5)Be respectful of everyone. PROCESS: 1)Raised hand questions 2)Bucket Sticky Note Questions 3)We go until time runs out 4)No stupid questions…only stupid question is one you know the answer to 5)Be respectful of everyone.
You Must See Your Provider for: Any post menopausal bleeding (any at all) Foul smelling discharge from the vagina Lump(s) in breast (concerning lumps usually do not have pain, firm, and only on one side) Abnormal weight gain or loss, bloating, new irritable bowel symptoms, night sweats Irregular/missed periods Fullness or bulging from vagina Unbearable pain during intercourse Leaking and frequent urination Blood in stool (toilet) Inability to conceive after 1 year of trying (over 35 over 6 months)
The Doctor/Patient Relationship History and Physical Examination Chief Complaint History of Present Illness Past Medical History Past Surgical History Past Obstetric History Past Gynecologic History (detailed) Medications Allergies Social History Family History Prevention
Time is kinda sorta up 21
Objectives: 1) Explain the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system. 2) Describe pertinent issues related to women’s sexual/reproductive health over the life span. 3) Identify signs and symptoms that warrant referral to an Ob/Gyn provider.
Renaisa S. Anthony MD, MPH University of Nebraska Medical Center