Religious Freedom in the New England Colonies EQ: What role did religious freedom play in shaping the New England colonies? Pg. 12 9/20
Quick Write (Just somewhere on the page) What does religious freedom mean to you?
Religion & Government in America Today “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
Examples Answer with your group 1.Can I lead you in prayer? 2.If you are a Muslim, can you wear a headscarf to school? (Remember—No Head gear) 3. Can Nativity scenes be displayed on government property at Christmas?
Examples 1.Can I lead you in prayer? NO 2.If you are a Muslim, can you wear a headscarf to school? (Remember—No Head gear) YES 3. Can Nativity scenes be displayed on government property at Christmas? ONLY if other religions are represented
Current Issues regarding Religious Freedom in the USA Gay Marriage Abortion Mosque at Ground Zero “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance
In Massachusetts, religion was very much linked to the government. Religious leaders were also the government leaders Church attendance was required Male supremacy was preached 1 st time in history: School was mandatory (wanted their kids to be able to read the Bible)
Church rules were also LAWS Examples: No dancing No cards/gambling No Christmas celebrating No working on Sundays Adultery Drunkenness Public displays of affection
Punished publicly for breaking rules Forced to wear A or D Forced into the Stockades (whipping or just humiliation) If really bad, forced to leave or were executed.
Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts Group of girls accused people of being witches Held trials where women were pressured to confess 19 people executed for being witches
Roger Williams Kicked out of Massachusetts because he disagreed with Puritan leaders Founded the colony of Rhode Island believed in religious tolerance for all and separation of church & state
Anne Hutchison Also kicked out of Massachusetts for her religious beliefs She held religious meetings in her house Believed people didn’t need preachers to have a relationship with God And she’s a woman!
Connecticut— founded by Thomas Hooker, who did not share strict Puritan beliefs New Hampshire Vermont
What is ironic about the Puritan motives for founding their colony?
Wrap Up: 1.Questions for each slide of notes. 2.Summary: Answer EQ (This should be specific and include examples)