How is education a ticket to a better life? By Francesca A, Isabella H, Chloe D, Phoebe B and Ashleigh J
How do you think you compare?
Look at this Indian woman.
How do you think her life must have been?
Do you think she received a good education?
Do you think she received any great opportunities in life?
The reason we’re showing you this woman is because,
Education for this woman may not exist.
Because the truth is that only 65.46% of women and 82.14% of men in India receive any education.
Only some of these educations are as effective as an education we have today.
But that doesn’t mean that education can’t be a ticket to a better life in India, just as it is in Australia.
The big question How is education a ticket to a better life?
The big question How is education a ticket to a better life? Our chosen guidance question
The big question How is education a ticket to a better life? Our chosen guidance question What is the difference in the education opportunities in the big and small communities?
Our focus questions 1. What sorts of opportunities are wanted or needed to achieve a better life?
Our focus questions 1.What sorts of opportunities are wanted or needed to achieve a better life? 2.How can education help people receive these opportunities?
Our focus questions 1.What sorts of opportunities are wanted or needed to achieve a better life? 2.How can education help people receive these opportunities? 3.What doors are opened because of a good education?
How can we possibly get some answers?
We interviewed Emma Blakey, Phoebe’s sister, to find out her opinion on the topic.
We discovered Emma told us a lot about her experience with school, and also with her experience in India (our chosen developing country).
India: Education Education in India is completely different to education at Toorak.
The differences Our schoolA school in India
Our research
DID YOU KNOW: The attendance and enrolment rate in primary school in India from was 83%
Our research DID YOU KNOW that most poor children under the age of five in India die from water-born diseases?
Can we get some answers? 1. What sort of opportunities are wanted or needed to achieve a better life?
Can we get some answers? 1.What sort of opportunities are wanted or needed to achieve a better life? 2. How can education help us receive these opportunities?
Can we get some answers? 1.What sort of opportunities are wanted or needed to achieve a better life? 2. How can education help us receive these opportunities? 3. What doors are opened because of a better education?
Our conclusion
So if that wasn’t clear to you… If you didn’t understand what we were talking about, watch our skit that we are about to perform to you.
The message
Bibliography Date of access: 22nd June Date of Access: 23rd June Date of Access: 23 rd June
“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” -Malcolm S. Forbes