Fundamental Rights All democratic nations guarantee certain basic rights to its citizens Rights act as a safeguard against abuse or misuse of power by the government, individual or group. 1. Right to Equality 2. Right to Freedom 3. Right to Freedom of Religion 4. Right against Exploitation 5. Cultural and Educational Rights 6. Right to Constitutional Remedies 7. Right to Education
1.Right to Equality Public places open to all. Equal opportunities in employment, education. Abolition of untouchability and conferring of titles like Raja, Rai Bahadur. Click here to view video
2. Right to Freedom speech and expression To assemble peacefully without arms To form associations or unions Move freely throughout the territory of India To reside and settle in any part of India To practise any profession, or carry on any occupation, trade or business. Situation today:- Mohsin Sadiq Shaikh- killed by RSS.
3. Right to Freedom of Religion To profess, practice and propagate any religion of their choice. Bodo muslim conflict in Assam
4. Right against Exploitation Can’t be forced to work against will, without payment. Children below 14 yrs of age can’t be employed in factories or mines. India is home to close to 13 million children child labourers under 14 (Census 2001)
5. Cultural and Educational Rights Grant aid to educational institutions managed by the religious and linguistic minorities. Religion cannot be a barrier in attending government-run educational institutions.
6.Right to Constitutional Remedies. Case can be filed by citizens in case of violation of Rights in State high courts or supreme courts. RTI act
7. Right to Education (Article 21A of Indian Constitution) guarantees education to all children in the age group of 6-14 yrs. 25% reservation of seats for poor sections of society in private schools. Training to school dropouts.
Scope of Fundamental rights 1. Universal 2. Can’t be altered or removed 3. Not absolute 4. Taken away during emergency
Fundamental duties Included in the 42 nd Ammendment Act of Respect the National Flag, constitution, National Anthem. 2. Follow noble ideas inspired by freedom struggle. 3. Protect sovereignty, unity and integrity of nation. 4. Defend country, render national service. 5. Promote harmony, brotherhood, respect dignity of women. 6. Preserve cultural heritage. (forts, monuments) 7. Protection of environment. (wildlife) 8. Develop scientific temper, spirit of inquiry. 9. Safeguard public property, engage in non-violence. 10. Excellence in all spheres.