CTAE Development and Transition Unit Update Spring 2011 CTAE Regional Drive-In Workshops Emily Spann, CTAE Program Manager
High School Curriculum Update CTAE/Academic Literacy Integration Workshops conducted this Spring 2011 (plan for more workshops in the fall) New Pathways for Maritime Studies and Firefighting next steps: Professional Standards Commission for teacher certification update New Instructional Resources DVD will be provided at the July 2011 GACTE Conference for the following pathways: (1) Energy Systems, (2) Engineering Graphics & Design, (3) Health Informatics, (4) Interactive Media, (5) Nutrition & Food Science, (6) Personal Care-Cosmetology, (7) Travel Marketing & Lodging Management
CTAE High School Curriculum Contact Jan Wyche Jan Wyche
End of Pathway Assessment Update State Developed Exams: o Engineering, Plant Science/Horticulture, Teaching as a Profession: o Have completed the piloting and item analysis process o Have undergone the cut-score process o Will be available for dispensing April 1, 2011 o CTAE will provide Assessment Information Sheets to o CTAE Administrators by Mid-March 2011
End of Pathway Assessment Update (continued) Reporting FY2011 End of Pathway (EOPA) Test Data: o FY2011 EOPA Testing Demographic Data Excel spreadsheet was sent Feb. 15, 2011 o NOTICE: Use updated files sent on Feb. 15, 2011 o Data due back to GaDOE by June 30, 2011 o May be sent earlier if desired o Also requesting stats on Special Populations
End of Pathway Assessment Update (continued) FY2011 End of Pathway Assessment (EOPA) Testing Facilitation Models o Examples that can be utilized by other systems o Assists with EOPA implementation activities Testing Agency Special Accommodations o Document being complied that lists accommodations offered by testing agencies o Will be posted to the CTAE Assessment Web Page by Mid-March
CTAE End of Pathway Assessment Contact Mamie Hanson Mamie Hanson
Local System Options/Strategies for Implementing BRIDGE Legislation Counselor- Supported Teachers as Advisors Grades 6-12 Middle School Career Development Courses for Grades 6-8 Middle and High School Counselor Programs Vivian Snyder John Pritchett Jackie Melendez
BRIDGE Implementation Strategies Contacts Counselor-Supported TAA Vivian Snyder Middle School Curriculum John Pritche tt School Counselors Jackie Melendez Counselor-Supported TAA Vivian Snyder Middle School Curriculum John Pritche tt School Counselors Jackie Melendez
Counselor-Supported Teachers-As-Advisors Grades 6-12 program - school-wide, system-wide student advisement program – one option for meeting BRIDGE requirements. Helps deliver career development and educational planning. GaDOE has training modules, content framework; and will have a collaborative model to deliver with specifically-designed BRIDGE activities – Check out GAcollege411.org website for these activities.
Middle School Curriculum Middle School curriculum meets BRIDGE (H. B. 400) Legislation Each middle school CTAE course, grades 6, 7, 8 provides at least one performance standard to address Career Development and Leadership skills. The standards meet the Career Development points of the BRIDGE legislation. Integrating industry guest speakers, simulation events, and on-line interest inventory research in all CTAE courses will also meet BRIDGE legislation.
Middle School Career Development Courses (Georgia Performance Standards ) – ( MSCD 7-2) – (MSCD 7-3) – (MSCD 7-4) – (MSCM 8-2) – (MSCM 8-4) 6 th Grade Career Awareness 7 th Grade Career Discovery 8 th Grade Career Management GPS for Career Development Middle School Standards – (MSCA 6-4) – (MSCA 6-5) – (MSCA 6-6) – (MSCA 6-7)
Middle School Career Development GPS Meet BRIDGE legislation The Career Development GPS in Grades 6-8 are important standards for Career Development and meet the soft skills of work readiness. CTAE Foundation Skills also great source of resources to locate activities to meet BRIDGE.
Middle and High School Counselor BRIDGE Implementation Strategies Timeline available soon for Middle and High School Counselors Location of the timeline will be the GaDOE/CTAE website under the School Counselor link. Activities to assist middle and high school counselors will be included in the timeline. Timeline and activities adhere to American School Counselor Association standards.
School Counselor Update SAVE THE DATES What: Counselor Regional Professional Learning Workshops When:June 2: Macon June 3: Savannah June 8: Macon Who: Counselor Directors or designee and one middle and high school counselor BRIDGE Subject:BRIDGE, Individual Graduation Plans, Counselor-Supported Teachers-as- Advisors, and Dual Enrollment/Move On When Ready information Details and registration will be forthcoming!
BRIDGE Legislation (H.B. 400) Update Middle school students will receive counseling and advisement on career exploration, career pathways, and career interest inventories. 6 th & 7 th grade students will have accounts on a career information system website and complete career interest inventories. By the end of the 8th grade, MS students should have an individual graduation plan developed with consultation by the students’ counselor and parents or guardians. BRIDGE Legislation Middle School Requirements
BRIDGE Legislation (H.B. 400) Update ALL high school students should receive annual counseling and advisement in consultation with their parents, guardians, (or designee,) and school counselor to reassess their individual graduation plans. The student’s individual graduation plan should assist with seamless transition into postsecondary, further training, or employment. BRIDGE Legislation High School Requirements
Professional Learning Update New CTAE Resource Network Workshop Catalog Training Use the link below to access a 30-minute training program on using the new CTAERN Workshop Catalog = _
Professional Learning Update (continued) GACTE - July 10-13, 2011 Are You Making Plans to Attend? Hotel Block Opens – March 1 st Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel Ask for the GACTE Room Block Conference Registration Conference Registration opens on CTAERN – March 1 st Conference Registration closes on CTAERN – June 15 th After June 15 th On-Site Registration Only Add $50.00
Professional Learning Update (continued) Did You Miss This…? FY2011 Advanced CTAE Leaders Professional Learning February 3 rd in Macon Click on the following link to all the professional learning video links & handouts: Academic Integration
CTAE Professional Learning Contact Skip Brown Skip Brown
JROTC Program Benefits Emphasizes GHSGT and EOCT contentTeaches leadership skills Assists students in life skills and career opportunities Reinforces reading, math, writing skills Stresses multi-disciplined presentations, models, trips, etc.
Move On When Ready Update Students must stay on track to participate in Move On When Ready Learning support, summer school or exemption credits NOT allowed Students must be a full- time student (12 semester hrs) at college – No courses taken at the high school Students must have attended public high school in the prior year and counted in both FTE counts Dual Enrollment Info must be provided to 10 th and 11 th grade students by April 1, 2011
FY2011 – MOWR Stats - First quarter/semester: – 184 Total MOWR Students – 38 attended TCSG colleges—11 different colleges – 144 attended USG colleges or universities—17 different – 2 attended private colleges-Piedmont and Wesleyan – Over $245,000 was paid to colleges Move On When Ready Links: University System of Georgia Technical College System of Georgia Georgia Department of Education Move On When Ready Update (continued)
Dual Enrollment/JROTC Contact Gary Mealer Gary Mealer
Georgia STEM Institute The Georgia Department of Education is planning to host the first Georgia STEM Institute this summer from July 6-15, Participating schools will send teams of CTAE and core content teachers to Atlanta for a 10-day immersion experience in STEM. Teachers will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, interact with members of different STEM industries and visit STEM sites. The purpose is to have teachers use the Institute’s experiences to develop classroom instruction that integrates core content knowledge and CTAE applications.
A new Georgia Department of Education STEM webpage will be “live” soon. An announcement will be sent when the STEM/ GaDOE website is ready STEM website contents will include: Teacher resources, integration projects, and links to STEM Schools in Georgia Georgia STEM Webpage
STEM Institute Contact Gilda Lyon CTAE/STEM Program Specialist Work Cell Gilda Lyon CTAE/STEM Program Specialist Work Cell