Discrimination Employment Law
Protected Groups Can you name them? 1.Age (over 40) 2.Disability 3.Race / Color 4.Sex 5.Religion 6.National Origin 7.Pregnancy Is there ever a ‘job-related’ reason to discriminate?
Interviewer Can Ask Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Are you legally able to work in the U.S? Can you do this job with or without reasonable accommodations? – Can you lift 50 Ibs What are you future plans? Interviewer CanNOT ask Have you ever been arrested / in trouble? Where were you born? Do you have a disability? About family or plans for a family
At Will Can be fired, as long as not illegal What is ‘wrongful’ termination? – Goes against one of the protected classes – Sexual Harassment Any unwelcome sexual comments, gestures, or contact Most sexual orientation protected under harassment – Retaliation
Worksheet 9 Cases Read Decide – is there a case of discrimination? If yes, why? – Which protected group Hold onto sheet