Science Mrs. Gaskill 7th Grade
Overview Overview My instructional style is planned to offer several ways to cover the major concepts of science.My instructional style is planned to offer several ways to cover the major concepts of science. I do lecture on each concept in the standard fashion. The lecture is then followed, in most cases, by a lab or demonstration. I do lecture on each concept in the standard fashion. The lecture is then followed, in most cases, by a lab or demonstration. In every case, a quick daily review is given.In every case, a quick daily review is given.
Overview Overview w My class style is interactive. w I expect each student to be involved with what goes on in class. w Homework is reviewed and corrected daily. If they have not done their homework then they are already behind.
Lecture Format Lecture Format I begin each class by: w Reviewing notes and homework. Questions are addressed at this time.This crucial step will keep them with us and not let them fall behind. w If they should need additional help, I am available at lunch. They just have to arrange this with me. w If a concept is difficult I may hold a scheduled lunch time review; otherwise help is on an as needed basis.
Grading w Quizzes30% w Tests45% w Labs/Projects10% w Class notebook15%
Laboratory Format w When the students do a lab: Be Prepared. Lab sheets are given or an overview is given the day before the actual lab is done. Lab Report – Most will be done in Excel in computer class.
Class Notebook Class Notebook w All notes taken in class, handouts, homework, quizzes and tests. w Quizzes are put into the students notebook and tests are signed and returned to me. w Each student will keep a grade tally sheet to help them follow their progress during the trimester. w This notebook will be collected at the end of each trimester and graded for completeness
Class Notes Class Notes w Notes will be given in class. These are enhanced with information from such sources as high school books, middle school science literature. w Note Taking Progression: IS SLOW w 7th- Teacher directed moving toward independent note-taking.
LabWrite-up Lab Write-up w All lab work will be written up following the format given to each student the first day of class. w Students will use library and computer class time to complete these. Excel is used. w If not collected, these will be graded when the class notebook is graded.
Homework w ALL MUST BE HANDWRITTEN UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. Some of these assignments will be collected and graded as a pop quiz. (at least 5/trimester) w I will be starting each student with one quiz grade of 100. w Since students have been given this, I will not be giving extra credit for any reason.
Online Chapter Reviews!!! w 7th Grade book has reviews for each chapter. w Visit
Midterm/Final w Midterm (January) will include chapters covered from September-January. w Final (June) will include chapters covered from February- May. w Metric Conversions will appear on both the midterm and the final exam.
Sample Projects Sample Projects w Prefix/Suffix Quizzes! w Endangered Species Project- Power Point with an oral presentation w Internet article evaluations w Dissections
Science Olympiad/ DEMO Team w Science Olympiad-(March) 7th and 8th graders. Competition is held in Dover. BOTH math and science year end averages as well as Terra Nova scores will be considered. Homework is a MAJOR consideration when being considered for the team. BEWARE-PARENTS ARE INVOLVED!! w DEMO TEAM- These are teams of 4-6 students assigned a specific class room. They demonstrate, teach and perform the lab with the class. They are responsible for all work that they miss while out with their group. This is once or twice a trimester at most.
SCIENCE FAIR! w Don’t worry….the timeline is managed in class! w All testing and final preparations should be done at home w Timeline and grading system is posted on my webpage.
High School Applications are NEXT year!!!!!! w IT MATTERS… NOW
Ready To Go! My address is My address is