Things I wish I knew before…… how to survive writing! Emer Morgan, School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Thesis Writing Tips Be organized! Have a plan! Break it into bite size manageable chunks. Create deadlines – REASONABLE DEADLINES. Decide on chapters early. Just write, refine later. When you are writing arrange your papers by paragraph.
Thesis Writing Tips continued….. The first chapter is the hardest. Write as you go, not all at the end. Update your data sheets/excel sheets again as you go. Decide on the formatting and make a template. If you really don’t feel like writing do some formatting, the reference list, or the table of contents.
If it all goes wrong……. Talk to your supervisor, even an . Don’t beat yourself up, things always do go wrong. Don’t worry everything is fixable/salvageable. Cut your losses and move on. Or can write a chapter on the uncertainties of methodologies.
Things I wish I knew…….. Reward yourself for hitting targets, and take breaks!
Things I wish I knew continued…… Motivation and a plan are key – do your title page. Nothing is perfect - you may keep making changes but not make the chapter any better. Everything takes longer than you think it will so build in some contingency time. When you are tired and stressed nothing is simple. Rope in a friend or family member to proof read. Most importantly……..
Ask for help if you need it – there are lots of people who want you to do well.
Useful links j a j a for-writing-a-thesis-or-dissertation/ for-writing-a-thesis-or-dissertation/