Shaping the Future of Social Protection: Access, Financing and Solidarity Panel 1 – Social protection coverage and rights Thirty-first session of ECLAC Montevideo, Uruguay, March 2006
Stylized facts Low coverage of contributory mechanisms Slow growth, unfavourable labour trends Non-contributory systems: financing difficulties, low coverage and inadequate quality To raise social spending, it is necessary to increase financing without undermining the economies’ competitiveness
The document proposes: Rights-based approach should guide social policy: Viability, ownership and enforceability Change in approach: Employment should no longer be seen as the only mechanism for access to social protection A new social covenant or pact is needed in order to restructure the system
This social covenant must: Define explicit, guaranteed and enforceable rights Define levels and sources of financing Contributory – Non-contributory Integration of solidarity mechanisms Develop a framework of social institutions Social policy management Coordination of service delivery