Représentation auprès de l’Union européenne 2010 November 16, Brussels ERDF to improve energy efficiency and renewables for social housing C. Puyol L’Union.


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Presentation transcript:

Représentation auprès de l’Union européenne 2010 November 16, Brussels ERDF to improve energy efficiency and renewables for social housing C. Puyol L’Union Sociale pour l’Habitat

Représentation auprès de l’Union européenne ERDF to improve energy efficiency and use of renewables for social housing  In France: 68% of the amount available (320 millions) has been allocated for energy efficiency between June 2009 and June 2010  Objectives: – Target the most energy consuming social housing units – Be exemplary and trigger a multiplier effect – Affect a large number of dwellings  Co-financing sources: eco-loans with law rate, grants from national agencies and local authority  In France: 68% of the amount available (320 millions) has been allocated for energy efficiency between June 2009 and June 2010  Objectives: – Target the most energy consuming social housing units – Be exemplary and trigger a multiplier effect – Affect a large number of dwellings  Co-financing sources: eco-loans with law rate, grants from national agencies and local authority

Représentation auprès de l’Union européenne Added value of ERDF Expected evolution of a sample of 5347 housing units in 8 French regions

Représentation auprès de l’Union européenne  Factor of success: co-financing possibilities, partnership at territorial level, knowledge of the state of the housing stock, adaptation to the local context, flexibility in the use of ERDF in various forms (grants, subsidized interest rate…)  Element to be improved: – Simplification: accessibility of ERDF is huge administrative support – Flexibility – Total of budget is rather small  Factor of success: co-financing possibilities, partnership at territorial level, knowledge of the state of the housing stock, adaptation to the local context, flexibility in the use of ERDF in various forms (grants, subsidized interest rate…)  Element to be improved: – Simplification: accessibility of ERDF is huge administrative support – Flexibility – Total of budget is rather small