Seite 1 Programm „Support to the Reform Process of the VET-System in Tajikistan“ Third Phase April 2014 – March 2016
Seite 2 Objective and focus points of the 3 rd phase „The responsible organs/persons for Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Tajikistan arrange/organise the development process of their VET-system politically institutionalised, market oriented and in social partnership.“ For that the 3rd (and last!) phase is oriented on Consolidation Extention Pervasion/Diffusion of the so far reached results and experiences. Sustainability!
Seite 3 Overview Phase IPhase IIPhase III Overall objective The employability of graduates is improved and their ability to find employment or to become self-employed is increased. Areas of intervention Component 1: Initial VET Component 2: Adult VET (Component 3: Policy advice to VET) Comp. 1: Policy advice Comp. 2: Labour market and employment Comp. 3: Initial VET Comp. 4: Adult VET CCVET / social partnership School management / QM Teacher training Political partner Ministry of Education Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Important implementing and co- operation partners selected VET-schools Ministry of Education Ministry of Labour and Social Protection – with its sub- ordinated Adult Training Centre Tajikistan dvv international, Caritas, SES Ministry of Education – with sub- ordinated o selected VET-schools o Methodological Centre o Teacher Training Institutes Ministry of Labour and Social Protection – with sub-ordinated o State Agency of Social Protection, Employment and Migration o Adult Training Centre Tajikistan o State Centre for Professional Orientation dvv international, Caritas, SES, SEQUA DFID, UNDP Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment – with sub-ordinated o selected VET-lyceums o Adult Training Centre Tajikistan o State Centre for Professional Orientation Ministry of Education and Science – with sub-ordinated o State Teacher Training Institute o Methodological Centre o National Testing Centre dvv international, ETF ADB, EU Duration12/2007 – 12/2010 (3/2011)04/2011 – 03/201404/2014 – 07/2016 Finances4.0 Mio. €6.6 Mio. € (+ Co-financing: DFID 0.65 Mio. $ UNDP 0.15 Mio. $) 3.39 Mio. €
Seite 4 Structure of the 3rd phase Field of intervention 1 „Support to the reform process of VET“ Harmonisation of the legal basis Cooperation of stakeholders (incl. Private sector) Financing VET (alternative models) Quality (ensurance) & org. structure in VET Monitoring & evaluation Field of intervention 3 „Qualification of VET- management staff“ Training of executives (CoC, State Inst.) Development of „management modules“ (for TTI) Implementation of QM-approach and networking Field of intervention 2 „Qualification of VET- teaching/training staff“ Standardisation, accreditation and institutionalisation of further education Training of multipliers Development of new modules Training for prof- orientation staff Cross cutting issues: Concept for implementation of „Centres of Competence“ Labour market, migration and public recognition of VET
Seite 5 Partner structure Political partner: Ministry of Development and Cooperation (BMZ), per pro: GIZ Implementation partners: GIZ (TJ), with its sub-contractors GOPA GIZ HCD International and national (short time) experts Political partner: Ministry of Economic Develoment and Trade (MEDT) Implementation partners: Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment, with its subordinated structures, e.g. ATCT RCPO Ministry of Education and Science, with its subord. structures, e.g. RTTI
Seite 6 Thank you very much!