Taxes Progressive Taxes – get bigger the more money you make Income Tax Regressive Taxes – the same for everyone Sales Tax Selective Sales Tax – on specific items Excise Tax (luxury tax)
Deficit spending – the government spends more $ than it brings in. Surplus – the government brought in more $ than is spent (doesn’t usually happen) Public Debt – All of the money the government has borrowed and not yet repaid, including the interest due.
Uncontrollables – money that Congress is committed to spend. Entitlements – benefits that are guaranteed to those people who qualify Largest – Social Security Controllable – money that may or may not be spent, it is up to Congress to decide AKA – Discretionary Spending Ex. – Shelter houses at National Parks
GDP – total value of all goods & services sold by the United States Inflation – increase in prices Deflation – decrease in prices Fiscal Policy – the governments power to tax & spend. How much of each?
Should we spend more $, then… Raise taxesOR Go further into debt? Should we cut spending, but… Not have to raise taxes Not be able to fund as many programs