No. of Childcare Institutions in Orissa=400 Approximately Recognised by Govt.=85 Not Recognised by Govt.= More than 300 Run by State Govt.=60 Aided by State Govt.=79 No. of Children Staying =5680 No. of Children Staying =Approx 30,000
Convention of the Rights of the Child is an international instrument that has been ratified by 196 countries. India is one among them. The Convention emphasizes that children are holders of rights and that children have the same rights—including children in institutional/residential care. The Convention on the Rights of the Child builds on four general principles: Non-Discrimination, the Best interests of the Child, The Child’s Rights to Survival, Protection, Development and Participation.
THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN STAYING IN THE CHILD CARE INSTITUTIONS IN ORISSA STATUS OF CHILD CARE INSTITUTIONS NO OF HOMES / INSTITUTIONS NO OF CHILDREN Govt. Recognised children below 18 years staying in 85 institutions (Under Orphanages & Other Charitable Act) Govt. Aided79 Others (children of religious institutions, special need children, Deaf, Blind, Physically handicapped children etc.)Run by own/private funding 315 (Approximately) Approximately 30,000 children staying in institutions ,000
Grants-in-Aid to Orphanages name’s sake only.Component-wise break-up of the Monthly Grant-in-Aid by the Govt. of Orissa to the recognised orphanages of the State)(1997 & 2004) for the children Expenditure HeadsYear 1 st May 1997 (grants-in-aid) In Rs. Year Announced by the Govt., but not yet received In Rs. Food Bedding, clothing, soap, oil etc Educational expenses (both general education & vocational education) Contingencies (water, electricity charges, postage, hair cutting, Laundry expenses, stationary etc) 8 12 Medical expenses 4 10 Recreation 1 2 Emoluments of House mother (one house mother per 25 inmates) Emoluments of Cook (one cook per 25 inmates) Rent/maintenance of Building 16 Total Less 10% contribution by the management TotalRS. 300 RS. 500 N.B. Rs.300/- Per Child/Per Month Rs. 500/- Per Child/Per Month
Supreme Court has made an observation in 1991 for upward revision in the allocation of funds to orphanages in every 3 years starting from 1992 There has been only 2 enhancements in the last two decades Initially it was RS.145 Per Child/ Per Month, which was enhanced to Rs. 300/- in 1997 Enhancement of Grants-in-Aid to Rs. 500/- in 2004 has only been announced
CHALLENGES : Inadequate & Irregular sanction of the grants-in-Aid for the Orphanages by Government Reaching institutions in the remote tribal areas frequently No motorable roads, No Electricity No progress till yet by in the State Govt. level for the registration/declaration and certification of Fit Persons/Institutions/Shelter Homes/NGO run childcare institutions Non-Functionalisation of all the Child Welfare Committees and Juvenile Justice Boards in the State Lack of focus on Alternatives Natural calamities/disasters-cyclone, flood Sustainability of the child care institutions –Non-availability of adequate resources for quality care Independent provisions for care for children with special needs in the institutions
PROBLEMS: > Basic requirements like accommodation, safe drinking water, electricity, health care, education > No privilege for special need children such as –Physically handicapped, blind, deaf and dumb, mentally retarded > Most of the institutions don’t have health care agent/nurse > No provision for children having major health problems > Legal status of the children in the institutions not ascertained > Difficulties in getting birth certificates > Not much facility for providing standard food, education, and recreation for balanced development > No age appropriate vocational training facility for children > No social recognition for the children > Bureaucracy very slow to address the problems
REQUIREMENT FOR MAINTAINING MINIMUM STANDARD CARE FOR CHILDREN STAYING IN INSTITUTIONS To provide minimum standard care for the children staying in childcare institutions in Orissa at least Rs. 1000/-per child/per month is required to meet the following needs. I. PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Sleeping quarters- Each child should have minimum space of 40 Sq.foot Play hall Toilets Bathrooms Separate provision for kitchen, dining and store room Space for playground
II. FACILITIES FOR CHILDREN Food, Clothing Toiletries Bedding Storage Cleanliness Lighting Ventilation Recreation Exposure Education Rehabilitation Training