Taking Care of yourself: Now more than ever! Lisa Molinar, M.A. Director Shared Vision Consultants
Headlines from around the world! “ Global Stocks Sink as Crisis Spirals” Washington Post “Markets plummet around the world” Wall Street Journal Europe “Fear puts chokehold on global markets” Wall Street Journal Asia “BOOM…AND GLOOM” Gulf news in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
How about me and my family?
Stress Test Do you frequently – neglect your diet? – try to do everything yourself? – blow up easily? – seek unrealistic goals? – fail to see humor in situations others find funny? – get easily irritated? – make a “big deal” of everything? – complain that you are disorganized? – keep everything inside? – Neglect to exercise
Do you frequently – Have few supportive relationships? – Get too little rest? – Get angry when you are kept waiting? – Ignore stress symptoms? – Put things off until later? – There is only one right way to do something? – Fail to build in relaxation into every day? – Spend a lot of time complaining about the past? – Race through the day? – Feel unable to cope with all you have to do?
Score 1-6 Few Hassles 7-12 Pretty Good Control Danger Zone. Watch out! 18+ Stressed Out. You may need help.
World's Easiest Stress Test If you feel like this cat looks, you are too stressed!
What has the current “fiscal” crisis meant for your agency and for you? In groups of 4-5 please spend three minutes each sharing whatever you are comfortable with about how this has affected your agency and yourself.
Our agencies are changing all around us and no one can stop it!! We still have work to do!! Number of families needing help has increased, number of children being abused and neglected has increased. Number of staff to do the work has decreased….
What Now?
Tips for helping ourselves and our staff! In groups of 4-5 please spend three minutes each sharing whatever you are comfortable with about your strategies for helping yourself and your staff.
What about the families we serve??? How do they experience stress?
Hidden rules and values among classes PovertyMiddle ClassUpper Class ValuesRelationshipsAchievementLegacy PossessionsPeopleThingsOne-of-a-kind objects Social EmphasisSocial inclusion of people they like Emphasis is on self- governance and self sufficiency Emphasis is on social exclusion. FoodDid you get enough? (quantity) Did you like it? (quality) Was it presented well? (presentation “A framework for understanding poverty”Ruby K. PayneAha! Process. Inc1996
Hidden rules and values among classes PovertyMiddle ClassUpper Class ClothingIndividual style and expression of personality. Quality and acceptance into norms. Labels Artistic sense and expression. Designer is important. TimePresentFutureTraditions and history EducationRevered but not seen as a reality Crucial for climbing success ladder Necessary for tradition making and maintaining connections. DestinyBelieves in fate. Cannot do much to mitigate chance. Believes in choice. Can change future with good choices now. Noblesse oblige? World ViewLocal settingNational settingInternational setting Driving Forces Survival, relationships, entertainment Work, achievementFinancial, political, social connections.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”. What can we do to help the families we serve, in context of their values to “weather this current fiscal storm?”
Let’s develop a plan to move forward… Please list three things you are going to do after listening to your colleagues to help yourself deal with the stress you are facing. Please list three things you are going to do after reflecting on information from your colleagues on how to help your staff deal with the stress they are facing. Please list three things you are going to do to help the children, youth and families you are serving on how to deal with the stress they are dealing.
Next Steps!!