Sometimes I feel like this! Teacher Stress!
Stress may be positive which is Eustress or it can be negative which is Distress. Stressors are Neutral. Stress becomes Distress when demand exceeds resources. When we are unable to adapt in a way that leaves us feeling uncomfortable. Stressors can be: Events, Circumstances, People, Feelings, Attitudes, and Things. Stressors can be: 1. Internal – within our direct control 2. External – not under our direct control 3. Real 4. Imagined Success is determined by how we handle stress. Stress forces us to LOOK AT, ACCEPT, or CHANGE our lives.
1. ALARM - “Fight of flight stage” - Perception of the stress – real vs. imagined. - Your bodies reactions “Boo” - Response involves the nervous system and the endocrine system - “Emergency hormone – adrenaline” 2. RESISTANCE – “How you cope with your stress over an extended amount of time. How well you adapt to change?” - Prolonged, long termed stress - Headaches, illness, etc. 3. EXHAUSTION - The machine breaks down during prolonged periods of stress - Immune system depressed - Leads to the negative end of the wellness continuum
Physical Muscle aches Headaches Sleepiness Queasy stomach Induced/increased appetite Chronic fatigue Excessive drinking, smoking or drug use Social Withdrawal Isolation Increased conflicts Impaired listening skills Chronic whining Loss of interest in activities Mental Negative self talk Catastrophicizing events Opposition to change Self doubt Locational Lack of concentration Insecurity Cynicism Procrastination Disorganization Excessive sensitivity Mistrust Apathy Spiritual -Loss of personal meaning Reduced commitment to values Decreased self centerness Emotional Anger, resentment, fear Helplessness Despair Loneliness Guilt Pity
PAST Identify past change to evaluate risk Reduce future change if risk is high TLC – Do everything possible to promote health
PRESENT Stress levels high – don’t take additional change Say NO to lessen energy drain Manage your time to allow for health promoting behaviors Visualize a positive outcome Talk it through-use decision making strategy
FUTURE Postpone (if possible) future change (s) Practice for future stress (taking test, college class) Get all the information needed to be prepared Prioritize changes – Learn to say NO Get comfortable with future environment (College visits etc.) Talk changes over with someone who cares Maintain healthy daily routine