Stress, Strain How to get rid of
Definition of stress Stress is a state of tension brought about by very demanding circumstances.
There are two kinds of stress Eustress- known as “good stress” because it motivates. (You can think of it as use-stress) Examples are getting a promotion or getting married. Distress- known as “ bad stress because it causes strain. Examples are chronic illness, financial difficulties, complication in relationships.
We will deal with distress! Stress can occur in four areas 1.Workplace stress 2.Family stress 3.Physical stress 4.Interpersonal relationship stress
And find ways to get rid of it.
In General Workplace stress can be caused by Too much responsibility Too little responsibility Insufficient role boundaries Job insufficiency Unsatisfactory working conditions.
Today role overload, too much responsibility and downsizing due to the economy, raise questions that can cause stress.
Interpersonal relationship issues can be problematic on the job. Control issues Where to go What to do Who decides frequently cause stress.
The important thing to know is Stress in one area can lead to strain in an entirely different area. Stress in the workplace can lead to strain in relationships or on the family.
Oprah said “I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.” so We want to dwell on what will improve our well being….living a meaningful and virtuous life.
“The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise.” F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The way to integrate disparate things is to place them in a larger context. For example: Too much stress is bad for one, but some stress can lead to solutions that are good.
How to manage stress and reduce strain. There are four kinds of coping mechanisms 1.Rational/ cognitive coping 2.Re-creation 3.Social support 4.Physical activity or relaxation exercises.
Coping Deals with what you tell yourself
Rational Cognitive Coping Use reason rather than emotion when figuring out what to do. Try to tell yourself positive ways of working with whatever is the issue.
Re-Creation Take a physical trip Mentally take a trip Listen to soothing music Take up a hobby
Physical Exercises/ Relaxation Exercises Walking Yoga Playing sports Reading a book.
Social Support Communicate with current friends and family. Find new friends at church, in school, in volunteer activity, civic groups.
Practice coping Even when you aren’t stressed, especially when you aren’t stressed, DE-STRESS FORWARD!
Stress that becomes strain gives you physical symptoms Your heart races Your hands get sweaty You may become light-headed Your jaws may tighten Ultimately your health may be affected.
Stress that becomes strain gives you psycho-social symptoms
Stress that becomes strain gives you cognitive symptoms Your mind goes blank or your thoughts may race. In short, you loose mental control.
In Short, Stress that becomes strain causes: Depression or Fear and/or Anxiety. AND THAT is NOT GOOD
Stress is mediated by The ego strength of the organism The intensity of the stressor The duration of the stress
The best way to cope is to focus on positive change To do this we need to learn to: LET GO OF PERFECTION! CELEBRATE OURSELVES AND OUR WINS! SHARE THE LOAD.
Remember this If a person has one problem but no solutions he or she is in deep trouble, but if a person has many problems, but even more solutions there is always a way to get out of trouble.
So here are some solutions Solutions can be found in the following areas: Rational cognitive coping (changing what you think) Social Supports (seeking people who can make you smile) Re-creational activity (appropriate forms of relaxation or exercise)
List or Discuss YOUR possible solutions to what stresses you now: