ORAP ® New User Orientation March 4, 2007 Carlos Garcia Strategic Power Systems, Inc.
3/4/07 p.2 Who is Strategic Power Systems (SPS)? Information Technology and Reliability Engineering Co. –Compiling Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) data Focus –Gas and Steam Turbine Plants Power Generation Oil and Gas Industry Methodology –Common coding structure (EBS & KKS) –IEEE and ISO standards –NERC and WEC compliant –Strong support from EPRI
3/4/07 p.3 SPS & WTUI SPS Supports WTUI GE Aero ORAP Contract Legend SPS Installs 1 st ORAP LINK™ at CP&L SPS Introduces ORAP Parts Tracking™ SPS Introduces 1 st PC Based Entry Tool SPS Introduces ORAP Interactive™ web-based reporting SPS moves to Charlotte, NC Introduced Parts Tracking & Configuration Management Module in ORAP SPS Incorporated Albany, NY SPS Introduces ORAP Cycles Tracking™ WTUI Founded SPS notetakers at WTUI
3/4/07 p.4 Base ORAP Base ORAP ® Proprietary database –Operating and maintenance information on total plant equipment Benchmarking –Customer and market reports Participants submit data on a monthly basis Quarterly reports provided to participants
3/4/07 p.5 Data Requirements Event Data: - Begin Date/Time/End Date - Outage Type (Forced, Scheduled, Unscheduled, Derating) - Component (Equipment that caused the Event) - Outage Mechanism (Failure or Maintenance Reason) - Detailed Narrative (Symptom, Corrective Action Performed and Root Cause of Outage) Operational Data: - Service Hours - Reserve Hours - Attempted and Successful Starts - MW Hrs Generated or Hp, ETC Counter Reading Data: - Total Service Hours - Factored Hours/Equivalent Hours - Total MW Hrs Generated - Total Starts, ETC
3/4/07 p.6 Data Output Compares plant component data on a yearly basis Compares all your unit(s) maintenance factors and % on a per year basis RAM Benchmarking
3/4/07 p.7 ORAP Benefits Preventative Maintenance –Trends across the Fleet –Breakdown by components and sub-components (total plant) –Availability –Reliability –Service Factor –Starting Reliability –Outage Factors –Mean Time Values Benchmarking –Your unit vs. total Fleet in ORAP –Your unit vs. Best in Class Performers in ORAP Forecasting… e.g. Hot Section Overhauls
3/4/07 p.8 Revenue Opportunity Extended Intervals Between Maintenance & Engine Removals Determine Source of Downtime… Frequency & Duration Define Parts Life Limits Empirically ORAP Provides Critical Information That Helps You Better Understand Your Business ORAP Will Help Your Business Be Profitable Industry Expectations… Return on Investment Must Result In… –5% reduction in inventory… –5% reduction in planned maintenance… –25% reduction in unreliability… –10% reduction in RO costs…
3/4/07 p.9 Who Uses ORAP… Just a Sample
3/4/07 p.10 Why ORAP? Largest and Most accurate RAM database –All OEM Gas and Steam Turbines –All markets Benchmarking –Your unit vs. the Fleet and Best in Class Close Relationship with OEMs –ORAP supports design and quality efforts with many OEMs Customer Focus –Value-added service supporting participants and OEMs Open minded
3/4/07 p.11 Questions?
3/4/07 p.12 Visit our Booths! – 517 & 616 Register to WIN an Apple iPod Nano and a AMEX gift Card! Join ORAP here at WTUI –We will send everything you need to your $100 American Express Gift Card
3/4/07 p.13 Detailed ORAP Screenshots
3/4/07 p.14 Event Data
3/4/07 p.15 Input - Events Screen
3/4/07 p.16 Input – Counter Data
3/4/07 p.17 Input – Operational Data