Towards an Automatic Verification of Interactive Scores and their Real-Time Performance Jaime Arias, Myriam Desainte-Catherine and Camilo Rueda (Carlos Olarte and Sylvain Salvati) Journées INEDIT – Bordeaux, France Mars 2015
(Open) Interactive Multimedia Scenarios (i-score)
Overview (2013 – present) MUSICALPoSETOSSIA
Overview (2013 – present) J. Arias, M. Guzmán, and C. Olarte. A symbolic model for timed concurrent constraint programming. In 9th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications, LSFA 2014, Brasília D.F., Brazil, September 8-9, 2014, Proceedings in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. NTCC (SyMoN) J. Arias, M. Desainte-Catherine, and C. Rueda. Modeling data processing for interactive scores using colored petri nets. In 14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD 2014, Tunis, Tunisia, June 23-27, 2014, pages 186–195. IEEE, 2014 Colored Petri Nets (CPN Tools) J. Arias, M. Desainte-Catherine, S. Salvati, and C. Rueda. Executing hierarchical interactive scores in ReactiveML. In Journées d’Informatique Musicale, JIM 2014, Bourges, France, May 21-23, 2014, pages 25–34, 2014 ReactiveML + INScore J. Arias, M. Desainte-Catherine, C. Olarte, and C. Rueda. Foundations for reliable and flexible interactive multimedia scores. Submitted to the Fifth Biennial International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music, MCM ReactiveIS J. Arias, M. Desainte-Catherine, and C. Rueda. Exploiting parallelism in FPGAs for the real-time interpretation of interactive multimedia scores. Submitted to Journées d’Informatique Musicale, JIM FPGAs J. Arias, M. Desainte-Catherine, and C. Rueda. A framework for composition, verification and real-time performance of multimedia interactive scenarios. Submitted to the 15th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD Timed Automata (UPPAAL)
A Non-Deterministic Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming (NTCC) Specification Event Structures Specification & Execution NTCC Verification Model Checking * M. Toro Bermúdez, M. Desainte-Catherine and C. Rueda. Formal semantics for interactive music scores: A framework to design, specify properties and execute interactive scenarios. Journal of Mathematics and Music, Volume 8, Issue 1: , 2014.
Colored Petri Nets (CPN Tools)
Data Streams Conditionals and loops Buffering Expresive Verification tools (CPN Tools) Complex Nets Very Static Implementation
Synchronous Approach
Specific Domain Programming Language * Nigam, V., Olarte, C., Pimentel, E.: A general proof system for modalities in concurrent constraint programming. In: CONCUR. LNCS, vol. 8052, pp. 410– 424. Springer (2013) Logic Characterization as formulas in intuitionistic linear logic (ILL) with subexponentials (SELL) *.
Specific Domain Programming Language
Framework IS
Timed Automata
True Parallel Implementation (FPGAs)
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