DISPLAY ENERGY CERTIFICATES & ADVISORY REPORT – IT’S COMING!!! Chrispal Anand Environmental Management Assistant Environment Team
Summary Overview DEC and AR DEC at UoL’s Building Certification Parameters DEC for Your Building (Examples) Future DEC
Overview Non-dwelling buildings are responsible for almost 20 per cent of the UK’s energy consumption and carbon emissions. Legislation - Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD). Requirement - Display Energy Certificate (DEC) and Advisory Report (AR). This comes into effect from 1 st of October 2008.
DEC and AR Buildings over 1,000 Sq.M. Buildings which are visited by public. The certificate gives information to the public about the building’s energy (gas & electric) consumed. The common unit used is CO 2. The certificate has a rating from A to G: A indicates most energy efficient building; and G indicates least energy inefficient building.
DEC and AR What does DEC look like?
DEC and AR DEC is only valid for 12 months (renewed every year). Advisory report is valid for 7 years. Need to be displayed in a A3 format. Should be displayed in a prominent place (entrance to a building). Failing to display a valid DEC – Fine of £500. Failing to possess a valid advisory report – Fine of £1,000.
DEC at UoL’s Buildings Main Campus (Please note the rating is from a draft version of the DEC) Building Name GIA (SQ.M)Draft Rating Adrian Building G Archaeology & Ancient History Building F Astley Clarke Building D - 88 Attenborough Seminar Block D - 91 Attenborough Tower D Bennett Building G Charles Wilson Building F Computer Bio Centre G Engineering Building G Fielding Johnson Building D - 76 George Porter Building G Henry Wellcome Building G Hodgkin Building G Ken Edwards Building D - 81 David Wilson Library Not been in occupation for more than 15 months Mathematics & Computer Science Building E Maurice Shock Medical Science Building G Michael Atiyah Building G Percy Gee Building C - 57 Physics Building G Richard Attenborough Centre D - 92
DEC at UoL’s Buildings North Campus & Satellite Campus (Please note the rating is from a draft version of the DEC) Building Name GIA (SQ.M)Rating Nixon Court Blocks A&B5,565.26E Nixon Court Block C4,349.52C - 65 Nixon Court Blocks D&E5,626.28B - 33 Hall of Residence (Please note the rating is from a draft version of the DEC) Building Name GIA (SQ.M)Draft Rating Princess Road East B Princess Road West D - 79 Fraser Noble Building D - 95 School of Education Library D - 93 Vaughan College F Upper New Walk C - 54 Upper New Walk B - 39 Robert Kilpatrick F - 137
Certification Parameters Metering data for gas and electricity use in building. Time period (365 days). Area of the building (Sq.M). Number of hours occupied (need to be documented). Degree Days. Activity in the building (from the 29 benchmark). Onsite renewable. Separable energy use (Example: Regional server room).
DEC for Your Building DEC for Ken Edwards Building DEC for Computer Bio Centre DEC for Henry Wellcome Building DEC for Richard Attenborough Centre (without additional occupied hours) DEC for Richard Attenborough Centre (with additional occupied hours)
Future DEC Scope for improvement Energy reduction Additional occupied hours documented Separable energy use (metered and energy assessed)
Any Questions? Chrispal Anand Tel: