Starvation: Extreme hunger. Can be fatal. Malnutrition: Health is unbalanced by an unbalanced diet. It’s possible to eat a lot of food, but be malnourished. Agriculture: Raising food by growing crops or raising livestock. Livestock: Animals raised for food. Vocabulary
What’s the most important advancement in human history?
Why? Without agriculture, you can’t have permanent settlements. Permanent settlements mean: Common language Culture Security Technological advancements Answer: Agriculture
________________________________________ What sort of crops are popular in your home countries?
Growing crops is not always easy. There are problems that farmers have to work around in order to grow things. Problems with farming
Problem: Growing season too short or too cool Solutions: Grow a crop with a shorter season. Develop varieties that grow faster
Problems with farming Problem: Not enough moisture Solutions: Irrigation Develop crops that need less water
Problems with farming Problem: Infertile soils Solutions: Add natural fertilizers (ex: manure, compost) Chemical fertilizers Use plant rotations
Problems with farming Problem: Harmful insects or weeds Solutions: Chemical herbicides and pesticides Introduce predator insects Genetically modify weed and insect resistant crops
Agriculture can be categorized in two different ways: 1.Subsistence Farming versus Cash-Crop Farming 2.Intensive Agriculture versus Extensive Agriculture Different Types of Agriculture
Subsistence Farming Grow crops and raise livestock on small farms, mainly to feed their own families. Grow a wide variety of crops to eat. Leftovers are sold, but there isn’t much left. Cash-Crop Farming Food raised on large farms, and is sold in local and world markets. Specializes in just a few products. Farmer uses money from selling crops to feed family.
Intensive Agriculture Farming with a small amount of land Uses a lot of labour, chemical fertilizers, and equipment designed to make crops or livestock grow faster More crops per acre than Extensive Agriculture. Vineyards and hog factory farms are examples Extensive Agriculture Farming with lots of land, but little labour. Uses big machines to plant and harvest crops on a larger scale. Gets less crops per acre than Intensive Agriculture Grain farming and ranching are examples.
Where would I put the following? 1.A 1000 hectare cattle ranch in Alberta 2.Nomadic goat and sheep herding in North Africa 3.A 0.2 hectare family farm in Bangladesh 4.A Vineyard in Southern France 5.A 75 hectare southern Ontario dairy farm 6.A 300 hectare corn and soybean farm in Iowa