Communication and response management reporting dashboard February 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Communication and response management reporting dashboard February 2010

switched-on reporting 0 This MonthCumulative% Website 100% This Month 100% Cumulative Website availability % Number of visits 85%77% Split Residential % Top 20 Countries this month (visits to website) Exchanges switched-on United Kingdom United States China N/A Germany - 49 India - 39 Japan - 39 Australia - 38 France - 29 Romania %14% SME % 5% 9% Corporate % 00:02:06 00:06:07 Average dwell time 59 Average number of pages visited Total Total number of online searches Belgium - 17 Poland - 16 Hong Kong - 16 Spain - 15 Ukraine - 15 Canada - 13 Netherlands - 12 Ireland - 11 Russian Federation - 10 Malaysia - 10 REPORT 40 February Welsh 130

switched-on Website Traffic REPORT 40 February10

switched-on reporting Call Centre 00:00:15 This Month 00:00:15 Cumulative Average time call waiting Total number of calls (Operator & IVR) 96% 80% Split Residential % 4% 10% SME % 0% 3% Corporate % IVR only No. of live operator calls only 98%100% % of calls resolved on first contact 22 Calls forwarded from CP’s 00:01:2400:01:46 Average call duration Top reasons to call Migration date REPORT 40 February 10 0 This Month 0 Cumulative Total no. of searches (Operator & IVR) s recorded & white mail received No. of s/ white mail/info despatched 00 Welsh speaker requests This MonthCumulative 0% 8% CP’s % 0 This MonthCumulative% Exchanges switched-on Volume Volume

switched-on Call Centre Traffic REPORT 40 February 10

switched-on reporting Communication Methods 0 This MonthCumulative Residential Customers reached via door drop (DM used to date) - Awareness % 0 Reach % of total Households SME Customers reached via DM Awareness % Reach (% of Total SME’s) Where did you hear about switched-on? 0 This MonthCumulative - 0 Leaflet Poster Direct Mail - This MonthCumulative - - Information Pack Word of Mouth Other , , This MonthCumulative% Exchanges switched-on 130 REPORT 39 January 10

Google Analytics v Smarter Stats At the monthly level the Google Analytics (GA) figures are consistently lower than the Smarter Stats (SS) figures. Note that GA tagging began on 3 Sept, which explains why the difference is slightly greater in Sept. REPORT 39 February 10 GASSRatio Unique Visitors Sep-09 2,976 3,77379% Oct-09 3,512 4,03287% Nov-09 3,338 3,82787% Dec-09 3,148 3,65886% Jan-10 4,458 4,90591% Feb-10 3,837 4,36288% Visits Sep-09 3,193 9,10335% Oct-09 3,742 9,60439% Nov-09 3,567 9,36038% Dec-09 3,378 9,49336% Jan-10 4,692 10,90443% Feb-10 4,097 9,44243%

Executive summary Both and web and call volumes are constant and low Samknows remains a high referer to the site. They believe it is due to links within previous stories within their site. Direct source for site visits has grown this month from 30% to 50%