Eurostat project Final energy consumption in households 7th meeting of Oslo Group October 2012 Helsinki, Finland
Background On-going work /next steps MESH Project Objectives ESS-net portal Work done so far Current actions Time line
Background Legal framework: Energy Statistics Regulation (EC) 1099/2008, Article 9 Task force 2008 Define the needs and establish a country review report format Working Groups 2008 – 2009 Agreement to submit the information Review of the situation Grants to improve the situation at national level
On-going /next steps Development of methodology Manual Training Inclusion in the Energy Statistics Regulation
MESH Project Production of a manual for statistics on energy consumption in households Consortium: IDAE, Spain (Coordinator) Statistics Austria Statistics Netherlands Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK
MESH Project - Objectives 1.Identification of the situation and the EU MS user needs 2.Creation of a global inventory of the best methodological practices 3.Compilation of a manual on the energy consumption in the residential sector 4.Provision of training for Member States (NSIs) 5.Dissemination of the information, manual and the best practices
ESS-net portal
Work done so far (1) Request for information from the EU Member States Inform about changes in the questionnaire of task force 2008 Inform on methodologies to produce energy statistics in the residential sector Forecast to cover to the extent possible the requirements of the task force 2008 Consideration about fuel/energy poverty
Work done so far (2) Request for information from the other countries and international organisations Other countries 1. Inform on methodologies to produce energy statistics in the residential sector 2. Consideration about fuel/energy poverty International organisations Best international practices detected
Work done so far (3) Agreement on draft contents of the manual
Current actions Methodology design Countries with good, medium and weak coverage of the requirements of the Task Force 2008 Different user needs in national level Suggestions of each of the three groups Compendium of best pratices List of variables and concepts Standardise methodology Common methodology in the EU
Thank you!