“Applying your Faith” Section Four Page 29
Higher Levels of Thought Change Lower Levels of Thought 1.The “Primary Level” – is a thought that is about something outside the body. 2.The “Meta-Level” – is a thought that is about another thought. a)At the “Meta-Level” we are speaking about our “relationship” with our own thoughts. b)How is your relationship with your thoughts (with yourself)? c)We are thinking about our thinking. Pages 29-30
Second Thought Changes the First Thought When we apply one thought (feeling or state) to another thought (feeling or state), the second thought will be changed by the first thought. Fear applied to fear “multiplies” into a stronger fear – paranoia. Faith applied to fear “subtracts” from the fear and fear is minimized – even destroyed. Page 29
Page 17 Figure 2 I John 4:4 Page 29
Creating a Negative Matrix The Creation of a “Bitter Root” =
Healing “Bitter Roots” – NLP/NS offer several techniques & patterns to heal (re-imprint) Bitter Roots. Today, we will be reviewing 3 or 4 of the most effective methods that I know of: “How to Apply our Faith to a “Bitter Root”. Negating Satan’s lies and affirming the God’s Truth “How to Give a ‘Bitter Root’ to Jesus”. The Drop-Down Through Pattern – Dropping into the “arms of Jesus”
Applying Your Faith Pattern 1.Access a resource state (Faith, etc.). 2.Apply “Faith” to the “Bitter Root”. 3.Appropriate to the future. 4.Analyze the quality, health, balance (ecology) of the system: “Is this the Lord’s will for me?” Page 20
Figure 3 Page 20