Multidimensionality of Pain and General Principle of Pain Management Dr. Joanne Chung, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
WHAT IS PAIN MANAGEMENT? The systematic study of clinical and basic science and its application for the reduction of pain and suffering
The blending of tools, techniques and principles taken from the discrete healing art disciplines and reformulated as a holistic application for the reduction of pain and suffering
A newly emerging discipline emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach with a goal of reduction of pain and suffering (American Academy of Pain Management, 2001)
Multidimensional approach Multidisciplinary Multimodal Participation of patients and families Empowerment
Effective pain management: Recognizing barriers
Barriers Common misconceptions Patient barriers Organizational aspects Work demands in the clinical area Limitation of prescribing Interprofessional pain education
Common misconceptions Patients should expect pain in hospital Types of surgery (disease) determine the intensity of pain Patients in pain always have observable signs Addiction and respiratory depression are major problems with opioid use...
Patient barriers Expected to have pain No control over pain Problems with opioid and other analgesics Wait as long as possible for a pain killer Culturally/socially unacceptable Be a good patient...
Principles in pain management Decrease subjective pain experience Increase general level of activity Decrease drug consumption Return to employment / full quality of life Decrease further utilization of health care resources (Dolin, 1996)
(McGuire, Yarbro & Ferrell, 1995) A multidimensional approach