WILMOT CENTRE LIFE A MINISTRY OF VISION To worship and serve our Living Saviour and actively endeavour to further the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in our world To facilitate Healing, Restoration and Wholeness to all who seek it MISSION Making Disciples Who… Love God Love Others Serve the World
WILMOT CENTRE LIFE A MINISTRY OF Share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ Facilitate opportunities for Worship and Praise Guide, Teach and Disciple Christians and all those seeking to come into a life Saving Relationship with Christ To meet the needs of Adults, Youth and Children who might be struggling with home situations, success in school and social difficulties
WILMOT CENTRE LIFE A MINISTRY OF We value intimacy- we pray corporately, individually and regularly We value balance- God, family, church and community(Matt 22:37) We value openness- we are not afraid to be vulnerable (Acts 4:32) We value expressing our love for God- we worship freely, openly and exuberantly (1 Sam. 18:6-7) We value the working of the Holy Spirit as we grow, learn and discover our Spiritual Gifts (Acts 2:1-4)
WILMOT CENTRE LIFE A MINISTRY OF We value giving thanks to God- we praise with a multitude of music styles and instruments (Psalm 150) We value love for the lost and disadvantaged- we evangelize, using many different resources and techniques to win the lost and help those in need
WILMOT CENTRE LIFE A MINISTRY OF We value intimacy with each other- we fellowship in our services and in our home groups (Acts 2:42-47) We value our children and youth- we invest in their lives though our resources of time and money. We realize they are the Church of today and tomorrow (Luke 18:15-17) We value growth- we reach out and strengthen, encourage and equip those among us in order that we make disciples of all people (Mattt:28:18-20)
WILMOT CENTRE LIFE A MINISTRY OF We value God’s word- the Bible is our foundation and purpose. It provides individual and corporate guidance (2 Tim. 3:16) We value being culturally relevant- we use a variety of media in order to Evangelize and Preach the Word in an understandable way to unchurched people(Acts 2:5-13)
WILMOT CENTRE LIFE A MINISTRY OF “If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his own family, he has denied the Faith and he is worse than an unbeliever.” (1 Tim. 5:8)