LESSON 5 The Constructive Use of Roles in Juvenile Corrections Presented by THE NATURAL SYSTEMS INSTITUTE UNDER CONSTRUCTION
THE CONSTRUCTIVE USE OF ROLES IN JUVENILE CORRECTIONS 1.Residents develop role related social skills through the various Stars and Stripes programs such as: community government, mediation, work roles, mentoring, tutoring, and role expectations related to stars and stripes ranks. 2.Maturity coaches assist residents with respect to how to understand the nature of roles, learning the social skills related to roles held, and how to optimize the power of the pro-social roles in the Stars and Stripes community activities, in interaction with peers, with family, and ultimately in their home communities. 3.Feedback from the objective measures of behavior and character related criteria for progress to each higher rank provides the youth with impersonal and clearly understandable external requirements and evaluations by which they can assess their behavior themselves and set new goals for their behavior. They also have concrete evidence for their progress which then becomes a basis for increased self-esteem. 4.Support teams facilitate the residents’ progression through pro-social roles related to Stars and Stripes ranks by assisting them in learning how to use their own good judgment and provide parent-like recognition and support.
Table Of Contents The Constructive Use Of Roles In Juvenile Corrections 1.Role Preferences and Monadic Roles. 2.Social Skill Unlearning and Learning through Role Taking. 3.Role Rigidity and Expanding Personal Limits and Boundaries In Relation To Peers, Family, the Community, and Institutions 4.Rank, Offices, Jobs, and Roles and Their Sub Roles, the Detachable and Fluid Nature of Their Functions, Changing Tasks and Role Behaviors and Their Influence in Facilitating Maturation. 5.Role Levels, Method and Criteria for Progression, and the Dynamics and Effects of Progression through Role Levels 6.Role Superstructure and Advancing Through Levels of Roles in Stars and Stripes 7.Using Roles to Facilitate the Incorporation of the Unconscious Implicit Others 8.Roles as Constraining and Channeling Individual Life-Teleological Processes 9.Memory As Organized By Roles and Role Functions and Its Function in Repertoire Replacement 10.Staff Correctional/Therapeutic Roles And Relationships vis-à-vis Different Offender Personality Types Inhabiting Assigned Or Acquired Roles 11.Engineering Settings and Situations to Elicit Positive Role Specified Behaviors 12.The Possibilities for Different Types of Correctional/Therapeutic Effects 13.The Limits for Different Types of Correctional/Therapeutic Effects 14.Types of Correctional/Therapeutic Role-Relationships, Their Repertoire of Techniques and Their Selective Effects on Healing, Education, And Maturation of the Resident’s Will 15.Maturity Coaches Using Role Requirements to Facilitate the Empowerment Model of the Maturation of the Will
Role Preferences and Monadic Roles.
Social Skill Unlearning and Learning through Role Taking.
Role Rigidity and Expanding Personal Limits and Boundaries In Relation To Peers, Family, the Community, and Institutions
Rank, Offices, Jobs, and Roles and Their Sub Roles, the Detachable and Fluid Nature of Their Functions, Changing Tasks and Role Behaviors and Their Influence in Facilitating Maturation.
Role Levels, Method and Criteria for Progression, and the Dynamics and Effects of Progression through Role Levels.
Role Superstructure and Advancing Through Levels of Roles in Stars and Stripes
Using Roles to Facilitate the Incorporation of the Unconscious Implicit Others
Roles as Constraining and Channeling Individual Life-Teleological Processes.
Memory As Organized By Roles and Role Functions and Its Function in Repertoire Replacement.
Staff Correctional/Therapeutic Roles and Relationships vis-à-vis Different Offender Personality Types Inhabiting Assigned Or Acquired Roles
Engineering Settings and Situations to Elicit Positive Role Specified Behaviors
The Possibilities for Different Types of Correctional/Therapeutic Effects.
The Limits for Different Types of Correctional/Therapeutic Effects.
Types of Correctional/Therapeutic Role-Relationships, Their Repertoire of Techniques and Their Selective Effects on Healing, Education, And Maturation of the Resident’s Will.
Maturity Coaches Using Role Requirements to Facilitate the Empowerment Model of the Maturation of the Will.