2 THE SUNFLOWER THERAPY Reg Charity No Taking the Stress Out of Learning & Parenting SUNFLOWER RESEARCH
3 To invest in the development of children with learning difficulties using validated, natural therapies uniquely matched to their individual needs to maximise their potential 1 in 4 children have learning difficulties PURPOSE SUNFLOWER TRUST STRATEGY 1 in 2 Prison inmates had learning difficulties at school Massive disruption to family and friends where problems are acute WHY?
4 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Validate the methodology Widen access for treatment Raise awareness Generate funds for other 3 objectives ACTIVITIES SUNFLOWER TRUST STRATEGY Local campaigns Create Website for information exchange Attract influential patrons Plan fund-raising events for next 12 months Solicit funds from other trusts & funding bodies. Train more UK practitioners Continue to build German and other overseas branches Expand bursaries to help more disadvantaged children Research Project
5 INTRODUCTION The Sunflower Therapy is a system of diagnosis and treatment that uses a combination of benign natural techniques to balance many aspects of physical, physiological, mental and emotional problems in measured ways that are matched to the needs of the child. It is based on the belief that balanced, well-integrated healthy children naturally perform better, feel better, achieve more, have a greater sense of self-esteem and get on better with others. The objective of the therapy is to take the stress out of learning. The Sunflower Trust is a registered charity committed to the well being of children. Its specific focus is the treatment of children with learning difficulties. Contact Details: 10 Guildford Park Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7ND Tel –
6 THE AIMS OF THE SUNFLOWER TRUST To raise public awareness of the Sunflower Therapy and its value in the treatment of dyslexia and other learning difficulties. To make the Sunflower Therapy available to children whose parents could not otherwise afford it. To provide full training for new practitioners. To facilitate on-going independent study to evaluate and develop the Sunflower Therapy. It is in relation to this last aim that a Study Project was announced with the Roehampton Institute, part of the University of Surrey.
7 PROLOGUE LEARNING DIFFICULTIES Dyslexia * Dyspraxia * Hyperactivity * Attention Deficit Disorder * Autistic Spectrum Disorders Failing at school Drug Abuse Over 50% crime Depression and suicide Violence Social & financial cost to families and society (estimated £1m per child) No place left in society LEARNING DIFFICULTIES Dyslexia Dyspraxia Hyperactivity ADHD Autistic Spectrum Disorders One in five children in the UK now have learning difficulties. According to Government statistics, the problem is getting worse year by year Associated Issues:
8 WHY IS THE PROBLEM GETTING WORSE? Reasons are complex and interconnected: Environment Genetic Lifestyle: food, social factors, exercise, toxic chemicals, drugs, TV, video, radio, computers (information overload), older parents, less healthy parents, both parents working, lack of childcare provision Sleep deprivation Lack of discipline Education Birth and vaccinations Autoimmune problems, allergies, sensitivities