Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 9, 2014 Science 7: Objective: Describe the events that occur during respiration. Tell what fermentation is. Engage: Fermentation (Enrich) Explore: Photosynthesis and cell respiration as opposite processes activity Explain: Respiration is the process in which cells break down simple food molecules such as sugar and release the energy they contain. Elaborate: How are photosynthesis and Respiration opposite processes?
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 9, 2014 Science 6: Objective: The student understands that organisms are separated into kingdoms according to their cell structure and how they get food and reproduce. The student knows examples of organisms that cannot be classified as either plants or animals - fungi and bacteria Engage: Project Wild - I'm Thirsty Activity Explore: Project Wild - I'm Thirsty Activity Explain: Bacteria, protists and fungi Elaborate: Graphic organizer showing similarities and differences between fungi, bacteria and protists
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 9,2014 Science 5: Objective:Students will work together to design a device that will launch a marshmallow at a target and compete with other teams. Engage: Junk Box Wars: Super Slinger testing Explore: Junk Box Wars: Super Slinger competition Explain: Compare designs Elaborate: Which designs performed best to achieve the most points in the competition
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 9, 2014 Science 8: Objective: Make a graph to analyze data showing the relationship between volume and temperature. Engage: Balloon Graph Performance Assessment Explore: Students will graph data showing the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable. Explain: The graph shows the relationship between the two variables (proportional or inverse) Elaborate: Analyze and conclude questions
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 9, 2014 Science 4 Objective: The student will know the parts of a seed an the process of fertilization. Engage: Students will examine a pumpkin seed and a kidney bean Explore: students will open up the seeds and look at the contents Explain: seed coat, endospore and embryo Elaborate: students will finish health posters