NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 2 Advanced Engineering Analysis Center Vision Energetic environment in which students and faculty Discuss and analyze problems Share ideas Interact professionally Funding W.M. Keck Foundation Three year implementation period
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 3 Design of Assessment Plan Formative assessment period Phases I - V Scheduled for completion by May 1, 2005 Summative assessment period Phase VI Scheduled for completion by January 1, 2006 Includes quantitative and qualitative assessment methodologies
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 4 Phases I - II 1/1/03 - 8/15/03 Preparation of facility for use Design final layout Order furniture, hardware, and software Request electrical modifications (network drops) Preliminary module development Course-based modules developed by project leaders and used as a guide for other faculty Course-based modules and Unix tutorials developed by affiliated faculty Development of assessment plan Outline three year assessment plan Design survey instruments Obtain Institutional Review Board approval as needed
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 5 Phase III 8/15/03 - 5/1/04 Implementation and revision of Phase II modules Implementation of controlled access (Bear Cards) Initial monitoring of facility usage ISE 327 (Statistical Process Control) Faculty Usage Matrix Student Usage Matrix Initial collection of student satisfaction data
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 6 Phase IV 5/1/04 - 8/15/04 Development of additional learning modules Preparation for publication of Phase III modules Preliminary analysis of assessment data Student Surveys Faculty Usage Matrix Student Usage Matrix Electronic Surveillance Reports
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 7 Phase V 8/15/04 - 5/1/05 Implementation/revision of Phase IV modules Collection of educational assessment data EGR 232 XXX 487/488 Continued monitoring of controlled access ISE 327 (Statistical Process Control) Faculty Usage Matrix Student Usage Matrix Electronic Surveillance Reports Continued assessment of module efficacy
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 8 Phase VI 5/1/05-1/1/06 Final revision of all modules Web publication of modules Analysis of educational assessment data Analysis of student and faculty usage data Dissemination Final Assessment Report to Keck Foundation Preparation of conference papers related to module development and implementation Preparation of educational research journal article related to EGR 232 study
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 9 Initial Assessment Observations 1 Module development can be very time consuming Module refinement must occur during academic year Faculty-delivered modules somewhat evenly spaced throughout the term Typical faculty use Keck Analysis Center for required class activities 2-3 times during the term
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 10 Initial Assessment Observations 2 Student usage varies throughout term, with greater usage occurring during middle of term Most student usage due to required course assignments Use of Keck Analysis Center for senior design sporadic and heavily dependent on nature of design project
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 11 Select Student Survey Results 88/116 students gave the Center a rating of 4 or 5 with 5 being “essential to engineering education” 70/116 felt more class time should be spent in the Center 67/116 students expressed a strong interest in using the Center for projects outside of course requirements 79/116 students expressed a strong interest in learning more about the analysis capabilities of the Center software
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 12 Summary of Assessment Plan Components Module development and implementation Biomedical Engineering Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering Student feedback Usage statistics Solicitation of Institutional Review Board approval Satisfaction surveys Educational effectiveness Design of educational experiments Solicitation of Institutional Review Board approval Implementation in EGR 232 (Statics/Solid Mechanics) Dissemination of assessment results
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 13 Acknowledgements W. M. Keck Foundation Student Participants James Sipe, System Administration Rebecca Quesenberry, Website Design ISE 327 Students (Keck Center Usage Sampling Project) Faculty Participants Joan Burtner Donald Ekong Sinjae Hyun Hodge Jenkins Jack Mahaney Ramachandran Radharamanan John Reece Renee Rogge Loren Sumner
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 14 Extra Slides Keep in notebook to use if needed
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 15 Contact Information ASSESSMENT Phone (478) Fax (478) LEARNING MODULES Phone (478) Fax (478)
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 16 Planned Module Implementation Biomedical Engineering Biomechanics Biofluids Basic Biotransport Phenomenon Computer Engineering Digital Design with VHDL Computer Networks Industrial Engineering Manufacturing Processes Computer Assisted Manufacturing Systems Mechanical Engineering Finite Elements Fluid Mechanics Visualization and Graphics Engineering Analysis Solid Mechanics II Statics/Mechanics of Materials Machine Design
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 17 Hardware / Software Implementation 20 Sun Workstations, 1 PC, Projection Screen State-of-the-art engineering software Networking Intranet Internet Printers Black and white laser printer Color printer CFX CATIA ANSYSMathWorks ProEngineerProcess Engineer OPNETQUEST CadenceV5-Inspect
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 18 Module Development Matrix Format Subject AreaDesignerPreliminary Module Developed Module Presented Module Refined Module Finalized ME – 1 ME – 2 ISE – 1 CPE – 1 CPE – 2 BME – 1 BME – 2 Others (as needed)
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 19 Fall 2003 Survey
NEAB 10/20/04Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis CenterSlide 20 Fall 2003 Survey