Zdenka Willis Briefing to GCOOS March 4, 2010 US IOOS Update
New NOS Acting AA – David Kennedy NOAA has a number of priorities and we continue to coordinate with other NOAA programs IOOS needs to be worked in the interagency – connections being established IWGOO is trying to remake itself into the IOOC –Re-chartering DMAC ST – Sam Walker chair –Industry Workshops – Houston Nov; Southern CA in May National IOOS Office – discussion remains –Positive steps include USACE rep, USGS detail and promise by EPA to work with us on a detailee State of Play 2
FY 10 Focus – ICOOS Act NOAA Lead Establish an IOOS office within NOAA Develop and be responsible for DMAC Promulgate guidelines to certify non- federal assets into the System Annual process to defined obs gaps Annual Report to the Committee Develop/ implement a process for periodic review of non-federal assets Merit-based competitive funding process to support non-federal assets Implement a public education and outreach program to improve awareness of global climate change and effects on the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes Establish System Advisory Committee Council or Committee Lead Public-Private Use Policy Re-chartering/re-inventing of the DMAC Steering Team Coordinated Budgets Develop contract certification standards and compliance procedures for non- federal assets to integrate into the System Independent Cost Estimate 3
Programmatic: resources/congressional/ NOAA commitments; ICOOS Act OPTF/CMSP Framework –OPTF calls for implementation plan: IWGOO Strategic Plan, Road map and Regional Document – first step –CMSP – participating in the NOAA efforts and feeding CEQ/OSTP working groups Regional –FY10 FFO; FY11 FFO – NOPP –Outcome Metrics –Continued coordination of Regional to National efforts –Connection to NWQMN –Coordination of DMAC – March workshop (3 rd workshop) FY10 Focus (Cont) 4
DMAC –Biological Project –Continued progress on Coastal Inundation – working with NOAA’s storm surge project –Register, Catalog, Viewer –OOI/IOOS connections –IOOS/NWQMN –Working with NOAA’s climate service High Frequency Radar –National technical steering team –Nation-wide USCG Search & Rescue FY10 Appropriations –Cooperative Institute – sensor validation/verification –Modeling testbed Communications/Outreach –Hill event 2 March –Scarlet Knight Smithsonian –Branding FY10 Focus (cont) 5
Problem: IOOS planning and cost estimates require a detailed description of requisite system functionality –Existing documentation focused on desired capabilities and requirements –Minimal detail on how to accomplish –Detailed planning or costing impossible absent a detailed functional description –Increasing need to engage partners (all levels – regional, IWGOO, internal NOAA) in focused discussions on specifics Solution: Road Map provide a starting point for national collaboration –Effort to move from conceptual to executable U.S. IOOS –The beginnings of an overarching playbook for all U.S. IOOS participants –Logical and comprehensive plan organized for success Why a Road Map (‘functional description’)
Road Map - Layout (Working Draft) What’s In Defines U.S. IOOS scope, subsystems, functions and activities Provides an architectural framework for articulating full operational capability and specific system capabilities Identifies partner roles and other support required to accomplish U.S. IOOS implementation Defines implementation steps, milestones, and tasks Describes tools for tracking progress and capability What’s Not In Delegation of responsibilities to organizations Funding requirements Organizational structure Timelines (provides sequence of activities only) Decisions on individual technologies Specific systems design information Specific procedures Detailed work flows 7
Shared duty with Committee (IWGOO) Committee “develop contract certification standards for all non- Federal assets … to establish eligibility for integration into the System….” NOAA required to “promulgate program guidelines to certify and integrate non-Federal assets … into the System….” Recognize the need for coordination with NFRA and RAs. Plan to begin the process in late Spring 2010 but IWGOO has not addressed this issue yet First IOOS Development Plan, Regional Association governance practices and business plans will be reviewed and used to inform our work with the Committee. ICOOS Act – Certification Standards 8
ICOOS Act – System Advisory Committee NOAA Administrator required to “establish or designate a System advisory committee” By Sept 2010, IOOS program will deliver recommendations for members to NOAA Administrator Follows FACA rules Committee Purpose? (below submitted to IWGOO) –Advise on national priorities for coastal and ocean observations –Advise on partnership opportunities with private sector –Advise on expanding education and outreach opportunities Advocacy/design? Does a current FACA exist to support this requirement? 9 RequirementRequest/Discussion